Why do men need to eat meat? Nutriciologist names 5 good reasons
Not only is it an important source of protein and an essential product for gaining muscle mass.
Do men have to eat meat? This question has been controversial for decades. There is nothing wrong with the fact that some people choose alternative types of nutrition – veganism, vegetarianism, fructorianism, raw food. But this choice should be a conscious one. One needs to understand all the nuances and health risks involved.
Here are some good reasons why men should eat meat:
1. Meat is a source of protein. “Plant foods have protein too,” you’ll say, and you’d be absolutely right. But unfortunately, because of the fiber that is also found in plant foods, the digestibility of the body’s main building material is drastically reduced. Some amino acids are not even present, while meat has a complete amino acid profile.
2. Meat is a source of iron and energy. Iron deficiency among vegetarians is not uncommon. Unless, of course, a person takes it additionally. If a man eats beef, the risk of depletion of the reserves of this trace element in the body is sharply reduced.
3. Meat contains an important vitamin B12. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. This trace element is often called the main male vitamin, because it is responsible for energy metabolism, hematopoiesis, increases the synthesis of testosterone, protects the liver, preserves reproductive health.
4. Meat contains zinc, phosphorus and selenium – trace elements necessary for the body. Yes, a person can get them from plant food or with the help of dietary supplements (biologically active additives). But the excess fiber in their composition interferes with the absorption of useful substances.
5. Fasting meat contains little fat, suitable for dietary nutrition. Such a product has a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids, important for maintaining male libido and fertility (ability to produce offspring).
Since ancient times, man has been a hunter, a predator – this is his natural essence. However, now even many athletes remove meat from their diet and try different types of alternative nutrition. Nowadays there is a possibility of choice, and it’s great.
Everyone is different, and certainly what works for one may never work for another. The main thing is to do it wisely. Take into account the state of your health and be sure to be supervised by a specialist.