How to learn how to throw the ball in basketball? Detailed instruction with exercises

Basketball is a game where the success of the team depends largely on the ability to throw the ball into the basket. There are many different techniques, which one to choose is up to you. But there are basics that everyone should start with. This material is for those who want to learn how to throw a quality basketball.

Irina Merkulova

basketball coach

“Speaking about throws in basketball, we should keep in mind their three main characteristics: the type of throw, style and technique, understood here as the organizational structure of movements when throwing. Basketball snipers differ in styles, in the variety of throws. But they don’t differ in the fundamentals of technique – the biomechanical principles of movement – of the arms, legs, and torso when directing the ball accurately into the basket.”

Why is the shot the main thing in basketball?

The shot to the hoop is a basic technique. Winning a game, as in many other team sports, is determined by the score. The rule is simple: the more accurate you shoot, the more points you score. In basketball, you can shoot the ball from almost any distance. NBA star Stephen Curry is a prime example of this. The player who scores the most points per game is an undisputed leader who brings value to the team. That’s why every basketball player should be able to hit the hoop.

Irina Merkulova: “The variety of throws in modern basketball gives a big bonus to those who want to master this fascinating sporting game”.

One classification of throws in basketball may look as follows:

  1. Two-handed throws; one-handed throws.
  2. Throws from the top, from the chest, from the top down, tossing.
  3. Throws with ball rotation, with a bounce from the shield, without a bounce from the shield.
  4. By the nature of movement of the player: from a place, in motion, in a jump.
  5. Distance: far, medium, close.
  6. In the direction of the shield: directly in front of the shield, at an angle to the shield, parallel to the shield.

What is the correct way to throw the ball into the ring?

Throwing accuracy is primarily determined by rational technique, stability of movements and their controllability, correct alternation of muscle tension and relaxation, strength and mobility of the hands, their final effort, as well as the optimal trajectory of flight and rotation of the ball.

Irina Merkulova: “The trajectory is chosen depending on the distance, the player’s height and the activity of the defender’s counteraction. The ball should be thrown with a reverse spin, which allows you to keep it on the given trajectory. Reverse spin slows the ball down, increasing the chances of hitting the hoop.

From a dynamic standpoint, it is easier to make shots that bounce off the backboard than so-called “clean” shots, where the ball does not touch the backboard when it is hit. During the shot, the player’s movements should be smooth and rhythmic. Accompanying the ball is a natural extension of the throw, while the player’s gaze should be directed towards the target. The ball is controlled by the fingertips, not the palm of the hand. The fingers, thanks to their sensitive nerve endings, help the player to control the ball.

Learning how to throw a basketball

If you summarize all the rules in one list, you get this list:

  1. Make the shot quickly.
  2. Hold the ball close to your torso at the starting position.
  3. Point the elbow of your throwing arm toward the basket.
  4. Release the ball through your index finger.
  5. Accompany the throw with your arm and hand.
  6. Keep your eyes on the target at all times.
  7. Fully concentrate on the throw.
  8. Keep your shoulders parallel to maintain balance.

Technique of performing a one-handed throw from the shoulder from a standing position

This throw is used from medium to long range positions and is performed with the smallest vertical swing of the torso. In the starting position, the same leg as the throwing arm is put forward half a step, the balance of the torso is maintained due to the basketball player’s stance (feet shoulder-width apart). The ball is brought out of the basic position into a position in front of the face. The elbow of the throwing arm is directed at the ring, fingers spread wide. Looking under the ball, the left hand supports the ball from the side and leaves the ball before releasing it from the right hand. The gaze is directed at the target.

During the throw, the player successively extends the links of the body: knee, hip, shoulder, elbow. The hand is flexed until the moment of complete straightening of all links, after which it performs a slamming movement and slightly turns outward, the ball must leave the fingertips. After releasing the ball, the player consistently straightens the hand, drops the elbow and shoulder down. It is very important to keep this sequence and synchronize it in your memory. This throw can be performed in combination with a low jump or with its imitation, taking the heels off the floor at the time of releasing the ball with the throwing hand.

Irina Merkulova: “You should hold the ball with your throwing hand so that the fingertips are directed perpendicular to the seams of the ball on the fingers and fingertips.

The elbow of the throwing arm is forward, the forearm is perpendicular to the floor, and the throwing hand is backward with the ball resting on it. This arm is responsible for throwing the ball. The other hand is brought to the side of the ball, guiding the ball with it when throwing. This is the support hand, it gives balance to the ball. It also touches the ball only with the fingers and their pads. There must be a small space between the palm of the support hand and the ball so that the ball can spin freely. If you put the thumbs together, you can see the letter “T”.

Typical mistakes that occur when practicing a throwing motion

Mistakes should not be embarrassed. It’s trite, but it’s a fact: Michael Jordan missed a lot of free throws. And if you’re just learning how to throw the ball to the basket, you’re bound to make mistakes, everyone does.

Typical mistakes that can occur when shooting:

  1. Lack of focus on the target.
  2. Spinning the ball too much.
  3. Loss of body balance in preparation for and during the throw.
  4. Haste in making the throw.
  5. Elbows apart when throwing.
  6. Lack of accompanying the ball with the throwing hand.
  7. Throws with too low or too high trajectory in relation to the ring.
  8. Holding the ball with the palm of the hand while throwing.

Exercises for technical throwing

Since the technical patterns of the throwing arm are the same for all one-handed throws, young players should start with the easiest ones. Throwing from a place on one count, with the elbow raised one quarter, is the easiest to perform.

Irina Merkulova: “The low position of the elbow in this throw and the execution of the throwing movement together with a slight jump makes it easier to coordinate movements.

Simulation of a brush slam with fixation of the final position

Execution technique

  • Perform the exercise without the ball.
  • Starting position is the basketball player’s stance: feet shoulder-width apart, the same hand as the throwing leg is put forward at a distance of half a foot.
  • Point your arms forward and up.
  • At the same time as the body is straightened, the arms are extended upwards, at the top point performing an overlap with the throwing arm hand.
  • The support hand remains at the side for balance.
  • Perform 10-20 times.

This exercise should be repeated each time when the throwing technique is broken and performance decreases.

Simulate bringing the ball out to throw

To the previous exercise add an imitation of swinging with an imaginary ball before throwing.


  • Starting position – basketball player’s stance: feet shoulder-width apart, the same hand as the throwing leg is put forward at a distance of half a foot.
  • Use your hands to carry the ball out – movement of the arms from the chest to the shoulder with the subsequent imitation of a throw.

Imitation of throwing with footwork


  • Starting position – the same stance: feet at shoulder width, one foot is set forward at a distance of half a foot.
  • Simultaneously with the ball out for a throw, perform a small jump up.

Then try to throw to a partner or to the wall without using your legs. If you succeed, turn on your legs and perform a full-fledged throw into the wall as if you were throwing into the ring.

Finally, you can move on to basket throws. Start at close range, first throw at a 45° angle to the backboard, then try to stand right in front of the basket

Irina Merkulova: “The most effective shot is one that bounces off the backboard. For this exercise you should position yourself at an angle of 45° 2-3 meters from the ring. From this position it is necessary to synchronously perform a throw, combining the work of the legs, straightening of the body and the work of the hands with the brush overlap after the release of the ball.”

“Final Boss” is throwing the ball from the free throw line with all the rules of its execution. This exercise can be performed if the previous one is stable enough. Only in this case we increase the distance to the ring and try throwing from a farther distance. The technique is the same as in the previous exercises.

The above exercises are suitable for beginners. The age and gender of the participants for mastering throws in basketball do not matter, it is the experience in the sport that counts. Throwing technique can be mastered independently, but it is more effective to practice under the guidance of a coach. The specified sequence of exercises follows the logic of formation of motor skill. The number of executions for each exercise will be from 20 to 30 repetitions. And only when you are sure that you have mastered everything, you can safely move on to the next, thereby not violating the skill.

Rules to follow during training

Choose the place and equipment for training as for basketball practice. For practicing the skill of throwing is enough one ball for one player.

Irina Merkulova: “Always start training with warm-up, it is very important not to neglect its importance. Before you start throwing, be sure to perform imitation exercises without the ball, then – already with the ball – into the wall or in the air. Only then start throwing into the ring.

Start training at the ring from a small distance from the shield. It is a grave mistake to start practicing with long shots. At the very least, this approach can lead to injury. For beginners it will be enough to master the throw with one hand from the shoulder, and then you can diversify it with distance to the ring or movement with the ball.

Confidence in mastering the throw can be felt when you will consistently hit the ring several times in a row. At this stage it can be stated that the technique is mastered, and you can move on to improving it and adding different techniques. Throwing practice in basketball does not stop throughout a player’s career. At each session, make enough shots (50 to 150), depending on the level of training.

I would also like to emphasize the importance of training under the guidance of an experienced coach at the initial stage of mastering the technique of making throws. It is necessary to learn to perform a precise motor action, as it will be much more difficult to change the technique in the future.

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