The doctor named 15 groups of foods that increase hemoglobin

Varvara Ruban

medical practitioner at LabQuest + Q-Clinica medical company

“Every doctor knows how common the problem with decreasing hemoglobin is nowadays. This global issue is still relevant, regardless of gender, age and nationality.”

What is hemoglobin

It is a complex iron-containing protein of animals with blood circulation, capable of reversibly binding to oxygen, providing its transport to tissues. Hemoglobin is synthesized in the bone marrow from iron and globin, a protein that is created by erythrocytes – red blood cells responsible for the metabolic processes of tissues and organs. They are also formed from stem cells in the bone marrow.

Hemoglobin circulates in the bloodstream during the entire life of red blood cells – about 120 days. Its main functions are to carry oxygen and regulate acid-base balance. This protein is one of the four buffer systems that maintain the pH of the internal environment at a normal level (7.36-7.4).

In addition, it regulates blood viscosity, prevents water from leaving tissues, and lowers oncotic pressure, which is responsible for fluid retention in the internal environment.

Doctors measure the level of this protein in the blood to make sure that the cells are getting enough oxygen.

The norm of hemoglobin in men and women

According to the WHO, the normal value is considered to be:

  • men – 130-150 g/l;
  • women – 120-140 g/l;
  • children – from 12 to 14 years – from 120 g / l, from 6 to 11 years – from 115 g / l, from 1 month to 5 years – from 110 g / l, from 15 to 28 days – from 120 g / l and from 0 to 14 days – from 145 g / l.

Normal hemoglobin values in the blood of adults remain at about the same level. In old age, they may change.

Causes of a decrease in hemoglobin

There are two main causes.

1. Insufficient supply of components for the synthesis of hemoglobin. The matter can be in:

  • Improper nutrition;
  • weight loss diets;
  • impaired absorption of iron in the intestine;
  • hormonal restructuring of the body;
  • deficiency of vitamins B9, B12 or ascorbic acid.

2. excessive destruction of hemoglobin under the influence of external and internal factors. As a rule, this can occur with:

  • serious pathologies of internal organs;
  • tumors;
  • blood diseases;
  • large blood loss in trauma;
  • surgery;
  • childbirth;
  • excessive alcohol consumption, smoking and taking certain medications.

What products raise hemoglobin

Since the decrease in hemoglobin often occurs with a deficiency of iron in the body, it is necessary to replenish the content of this essential element. This will help:

  1. Lean varieties of meat (beef, veal).
  2. Liver (mainly beef, pork).
  3. Fish (mackerel, herring).
  4. Egg yolk.
  5. Dairy products (cottage cheese, hard cheese).
  6. Whole-grain cereals (wheat bran, buckwheat, hercules).
  7. Legumes (beans, peas).
  8. Vegetables (beets, carrots, potatoes, spinach).
  9. Herbs (parsley, dill).
  10. Fruits (pomegranate, apples).
  11. Berries (raspberries, black currants).
  12. Dried fruits (apricots, prunes).
  13. Hazelnuts.
  14. Sea cabbage.
  15. Fresh forest mushrooms.

It is worth noting that in iron deficiency anemia it is recommended to consume products containing heme iron – it is assimilated by our body in full and it is part of hemoglobin. It can be obtained from animal products.

At the same time, whole-grain cereals, various vegetables and fruits contain non-heme iron, which needs vitamin C to convert it into a form available to our body. For this reason, you should include in your diet various citrus fruits, currants, cranberries, cranberries, cabbage and greens.

An effective remedy for anemia is pomegranate juice, but it should be consumed with caution by people with a tendency to constipation.

Iron is poorly digested in the presence of calcium, so the simultaneous use of products containing them is not recommended. In addition, it is worth limiting the drinking of tea and coffee – the substances in them contribute to the excretion of this trace element.

In some cases, a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood occurs with a lack of folic acid (vitamin B9). It is rich in legumes, asparagus, artichokes, eggs, green leafy vegetables (spinach, rucola, cabbage), beets, citrus fruits, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, nuts and seeds, beef liver, wheat germ, papaya, bananas, avocados.

If anemia is caused by a lack of vitamin B12, it is worth including in your diet beef meat, beef liver, fish (trout, salmon), seafood (clams, sardines, tuna) and egg yolks. Calcium is needed for its good assimilation, so it is recommended to add dairy products to the menu.

Another valuable source of vitamin B12 is brewer’s yeast, which can be found in almost any pharmacy. Regular use of this natural preparation will help to fill the deficiency of cobalamin, which caused a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. It is also enriched with vegetable milk substitutes.

However, it is worth understanding that nutrition is only a part of the treatment, not its complete replacement. With a decrease in the level of indicators in any case it is necessary to consult a specialist – he will help to determine the exact cause of the decrease in hemoglobin and prescribe both diet and appropriate treatment.

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