Why the principle “I could do it – you can do it too!” doesn’t work. 5 reasons to do it your way

These people know exactly the answer to the eternal Russian question “What to do?”. How to do what? Watch and take an example from them! After all, they were able to lose weight/earn a million/get married or married successfully/birth and bring up 10 children without losing their beauty and health/quite literally for three months to climb the heights of the career mountain. The main thing is to do the same – and success will not slow down beautifully enter your life.

Pavel Rakov

psychologist, coach, creator of the cult training “I’m actually smart, but I live like a fool”.

The principle “I can do it – you can do it too!” does not work. And it does not work in any of the spheres. After all, no one can guarantee the same result when fully copying the actions of another person. And there are at least five good reasons for this.

Physical data

Each organism is unique. And what works for one person is unlikely to be effective for another. It’s mostly about building a dream figure, of course. If your trainer is a man and you are a woman of asthenic physique, it is unlikely that you will get perfect muscle relief.

No, of course, you can achieve the desired, but it will take years. The same applies to abs. Representatives of the stronger sex will not have to put a lot of effort to achieve the dream. But for ladies, the process is much more difficult due to the presence of more fatty tissue.

At the link you will find simple exercises for a flat stomach.

All the same applies to rapid weight loss. Someone is enough to sit on kefirchik with a salad, and someone even from one breath of the aroma of a bun will gain a kilogram. Different metabolisms, immunities, anatomy and physiology just shout: “Find your own ways!”. But people stubbornly prefer to follow the rules invented by someone else and copy, copy, copy….

Difference in intelligence

Intelligence affects the way you communicate with others. If you are used to finding original ways to solve problems, you are unlikely to cope with a job that requires monotonous, routine actions. Conversely, employees who perform the same activities year after year have a hard time switching to creative projects. No one is saying that the former is superior to the latter, it’s just that every job is important and requires a certain kind of character and abilities.

In any team, there are always generators of ideas, improveers, executors and managers. It is with this arrangement that a work team most often functions perfectly. Other employees with their own functions are added to it, but the distribution of roles and areas of responsibility is an important condition for success.

Therefore, do not look at those who sell courses “How to become a billionaire in a month”. You may have your own way in business, your own management style and your own secrets of achieving stability and prosperity. And without a team, you are unlikely to succeed alone. And, perhaps, you will reach the same goal by your own method.

Difference of mentalities

Very often books on attracting money – the fruits of the work of foreign authors. However, this applies to many psychological treatises and teachings. But, as a rule, their advice in the real life of the average Russian does not work.

It is important to select ways of involvement in the work process individually for each employee depending on their belonging to a certain motivational group. Read more about this at this link.

Remember the old saying, “What is good for the Russian is death for the German”. The same is true if you swap the roles of the first and the second. Just every person on the planet Earth has its own mentality, formed under the influence of a certain socio-cultural heritage, language, climate, history and recent events. That is why some methods and recommendations of foreign coaches, businessmen and psychotherapists fail in Russia.

The only thing that both our specialists and theirs agree on is that, relying on the experience of colleagues from other countries, it is possible to find your own original way. And, of course, no one cancels general knowledge of the target audience. With the basics of business, negotiation, conflictology and even the theory of thinking of the opposite sex, you can synthesize your own approach to work or communication. And it will definitely be effective “on the given terrain”.

Unresolved problems

You will definitely never succeed as a millionaire blogger/friend/colleague/showbiz star/neighbor/that confident guy over there. Because, first of all, it’s worth asking yourself the question, “Why do I need this?”. Maybe you’re just jealous of the lifestyle of more successful people. Or maybe you are pushed on this path by relatives. In any case, it is worth determining whether this is your true desire or something generated by fear and negative emotions.

Secondly, you will not be able to do the same until you have solved all your psychological problems. Or have not come close to the state of those you look up to. Believe me, not all popular personalities won fame in an honest way. Some had to step on their heads, use manipulation and pour certain funds into PR.

Are you ready to pay for the recognition of the masses by the appearance of fans in your life? To become nervous and unashamed of black PR? For exactly the same success will have to copy at least the mental state of successful achievers. And believe me, you will not like it very much.

Individual style

It is difficult for a manager with an authoritarian style to change into a manager-soul. It will take time. Therefore, if your style of work is far from a successful example, you will spend much more time and effort to achieve the goal, focusing on blind copying.

Seek your own path without trying to break yourself, your habits and character. Writers are sure: one fairy tale ending can be approached by at least three different plot roads. So is it worth choosing the same highway and driving along it, getting into traffic jams because of other seekers of happiness?

Most likely, a beaten path or highway will bring a moderate, steady profit (or going to zero). But that’s what everyone does, and there isn’t enough grand success for everyone. So with a clear goal and an equally clear plan, develop your individual problem-solving style. Pump up your creativity on projects and hone your personality. That way, you’ll be remembered more quickly as a professional who differentiates yourself from the competition.

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