A kilogram at a time: what happens if you eat too many tangerines

Many people adore tangerines. They are invariably associated with the New Year and festive mood. These fruits are delicious, juicy and refreshing, but they are also healthy. Tangerines contain vitamins C, B1 and B2, beta-carotene, fiber, antioxidants and many other substances. And thanks to the latter, vitamin C retains its activity longer and better.

How many tangerines can be eaten at a time, what is fraught with overeating, and what is better – fresh or fruit, tell the doctor of the highest category in the field of laboratory diagnostics, lieutenant colonel of medical service Vladimir Nekrasov and the head of AGreen Altai Agroecological Company Alisa Baltsevich.

How many tangerines can be eaten?

It is believed that fruit can be eaten in unlimited quantities. But in fact they contain a lot of glucose, which stimulates insulin production. If a person eats too much fruit (more than 300 g) at one meal, insulin disrupts the breakdown of fat, and it is sent to the fat depot, and the person gains weight.

If you eat tangerines in the recommended amounts (which is 250-300 g per day), fructose is not dangerous. It is desirable to distribute this norm and eat portions throughout the day, not at one time. But remember: the sweeter and riper the fruit, the more sugar it contains and its glycemic index is higher, which means that the portion should be smaller.

What is healthier: juices or fruit?

As already noted, tangerines contain a lot of useful substances. So, phytoncides are a natural antiseptic. Vitamin C accelerates tissue regeneration, increases the body’s resistance to bacterial flora and infections, participates in the process of blood clotting and has an antioxidant effect, reduces capillary permeability, improves iron absorption. Lack of vitamin C leads to rapid fatigue, which affects the overall health. Beta-carotene is essential for the heart muscle.

Now in vogue are freeshes, smoothies, juice detoxes, but not everyone thinks about the composition and benefits of such drinks. For example, tangerine juice contains a lot of organic acids, which in large quantities are harmful to the stomach and pancreas, destroy tooth enamel. But fiber in juices is less than in whole fruits. In addition, the abuse of freeshes threatens overweight because of the large amount of fructose.

Fruit is better to eat, not drink. And if you still want fresh juice, you should choose a version that contains greens – spinach, parsley, leaf lettuce. You can add a tangerine to such a fresh juice, but not more than one.

Why should not abuse tangerines?

Mandarin is a citrus fruit that can cause allergic reactions when overeating. Sour fruits are not recommended for people with diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, colitis, peptic ulcer, as well as with problems with the pancreas and gallbladder. Also, pediatricians do not advise giving mandarins to children under a year old.

As a rule, the peel is treated with a special solution to extend the shelf life and protect the fruit from fungus. Therefore, tangerines should be washed before consumption. And the peel itself can be eaten only by soaking it beforehand, otherwise there is a risk of poisoning by chemical substances.

Do not choose tangerines as a dessert: they trigger fermentation in the stomach and provoke bloating. Also, these fruits are poorly combined with fats and proteins of meat, fish and poultry – it is better not to use them in the preparation of these dishes. In addition, sour citrus increases appetite, so it is not recommended to eat them for dinner.

With tangerines, as with other fruits, it is worth observing the measure. As Paracelsus said: “There is no poison and no cure, it’s all about the dosage.

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