Always ready: 5 exercises for working out anywhere

Not everyone has the opportunity to organize a home gym, and sometimes you don’t want to go to a fitness center at all. But this does not mean that you should skip a workout. World Class master trainer Alexander Karpov offers a set of 5 exercises that can be performed literally anywhere – in an apartment, hotel or even on the beach.

Jumping out of a lunge with a change of legs

Muscle groups: quadriceps, biceps, glutes, calves.

Number of repetitions: 30.

Starting position – standing, legs together, back straight, arms down along the body. Take a step forward as in a normal lunge, squat down until the knee of the front leg is bent at a right angle. At this point, jump out, simultaneously changing the position of your legs – after landing, the supporting leg should be in front of you.

During the exercise try to keep your balance and watch your knees – in the front position they should not go beyond the foot.

Push-ups from the floor with a wide arm placement

Muscle group: large pectoral muscles, triceps, deltoids.

Number of repetitions: 20.

Starting position – lying down on straight arms, palms spread a little wider than the shoulders, hands can be slightly apart, the body is straight without bending in the lower back, the abs are tense. As you inhale, start to bend your arms by moving your elbows apart, lower yourself until your chest is almost touching the floor. As you exhale, rise and return to the starting position.

During push-ups, focus on the contraction of the pectoral muscles, feel the load.

Forearm extensions from a standing position

Muscle group: large pectoral muscles, triceps.

Number of repetitions: 15.

Starting position is lying down, arms straight, spread slightly wider than the shoulders and extended forward, body straight. Slowly bend your arms until your forearms touch the floor. Keep your elbows straight, not apart. Return to the starting position.

When performing the exercise, try not to move the line of the shoulders – the palms should be in front of the shoulders, not directly under the shoulders, as in classic push-ups.

Torso flexions

Muscle group: abs.

Number of repetitions: 20.

Starting position – lying down, legs slightly bent at the knees and raised at an angle of 45-60 degrees, if desired, you can cross them. Start bending the torso with the chin – pull it to the chest and forward, gradually pulling the shoulders and back off the floor. Reach the highest point possible for you, and then return to the starting position.

Burning in the muscles after training is normal. But your lower back should not hurt – if you feel discomfort in your back, you may be performing the exercise incorrectly.

Torso twists while sitting, legs in the air

Muscle group: internal and external oblique abdominal muscles.

Number of repetitions: 30.

Starting position – sitting, legs slightly bent at the knees, the body should form the letter “V”, the back is slightly rounded in the lower back, abs tense, arms bent at the elbows. Lift your feet off the floor and begin to perform twists to the left and right. Knees remain in place or move in counterbalance to the body.

Exercises should be started with a 10-minute warm-up and then performed in a circle. Rest time depends on fitness level. More advanced athletes can avoid pauses altogether and try to do the maximum number of laps in 45 minutes.

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