Candy under the ban: why you should give up sugar, even if your weight is normal
Studies prove that sweets interfere not only with weight loss.
When we decide to give up sweets, most of us have one goal in mind – to get rid of excess weight. Desperate to lose weight, we reduce the consumption of flour, sugar, sometimes even fruit. But if everything is normal, is it necessary to sacrifice your favorite cakes?
Why can it be difficult to give up sugar?
Nutritionist Anna Berseneva explains that because of fast carbohydrates increases the level of glucose in the blood. This, in turn, gives a feeling of vigor and energy. However, after such a short-term surge comes a decline in strength and a feeling of discomfort. The body requires another dose of sweet to get rid of unpleasant feelings. Sugar in this case acts as an antidepressant or even a drug: thanks to it, the hormones of joy and happiness – serotonin and endorphin – are produced.
Sugar has a bad effect on the skin of the face. The fact is that sugar-containing products slow down the functioning of leukocytes, which are responsible for fighting infections and inflammation.
Accordingly, it creates an ideal environment for the development of bacteria in the skin layers, and as a consequence, rashes appear. Beauty coach Julia Sayfullina notes that sugar can also provoke dull skin color, bags under the eyes, “creases” and wrinkles.
Scientists from the University of Alberta found out how detrimental sugar affects the intestinal microflora, promoting the development of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine.
They also found that excess sugar in the diet increases intestinal permeability. This causes the results of harmful bacteria to travel from the gastrointestinal tract to other organs and can cause diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
In large quantities, sugar can provoke nervous disorders, anemia and is often the cause of chronic fatigue. This is due to the fact that it requires a large amount of B vitamins for its assimilation, and their deficiency, in turn, can lead to depression.
In addition, sugar is most addictive. Nutrition counselor and psychologist Alyona Grozovskaya recommends to pay attention to fruits and honey, if you feel the lack of sweet in the diet. In its natural form, sugar is digested much better.
That is, the harm of sugar to the body is manifested not only in the appearance of excess fat deposits, but also in accelerated aging of the skin, irritability and digestive problems. Sweet life is not so sweet.