Despite the fact that the benefits of daytime sleep have long been proven, many people underestimate its importance. Somnologist Olga Begasheva tells us who needs to spend their lunch break on sleep and why.
How useful is an afternoon nap?
A short afternoon nap – even no more than an hour – will neutralize excess cortisol (stress hormone). Such a break is generally refreshing, reduces the risk of migraines and headaches, helps to restore strength. In addition, it helps to restore the regimen. According to the somnologist, the opinion that because of daytime sleep will be difficult to fall asleep at night is nothing more than a myth. A short rest during the day, on the contrary, will favorably affect the regime.
Who needs a daytime nap in the first place?
Certainly, children. Many parents note that having slept in the afternoon, the child in the evening becomes more obedient, calm, balanced. But it is also useful for adults to take a short rest break in the middle of the day.
Also a signal to the fact that you need extra sleep, can be high blood pressure in the morning. In such a situation, it is worth consulting a doctor just in case.
How to realize that a daytime nap is mandatory?
If you notice that you suddenly fall asleep right on the go, this is a clear sign that you need to sleep at least a couple of minutes. Such cases become more frequent in the spring and are especially dangerous for those who drive. If you are driving and notice that you start to pass out, urgently make a stop and rest.
In addition, in spring, vitamin D and B deficiency is more frequent and acute, so it is worth monitoring their levels in the blood more carefully. Daytime sleep will partially help to compensate for the deficiency.
What can be substituted for a daytime nap?
Since even the journey to work can be stressful for the body, it is important to monitor the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. In healthy people, its maximum release occurs between five and seven in the morning. If there is a shift, in addition to daytime sleep, coffee and sports can help restore balance.
Coffee. The expert recommends drinking an invigorating drink not from the morning when you go to work, but immediately after it.
Exercise. In the evening, hiking and sports in general can have a beneficial effect on cortisol levels, but not strength training – you should make time for it in the morning. If you go to the gym, prefer a walk on the track – 35-40 minutes will be enough. You can make it more difficult by choosing a mountain slope.