How Athonite monks live and why their lifestyle is recognized as one of the healthiest

How Athonite monks live and why their lifestyle is recognized as one of the healthiest

Teresa Danilova

Teresa Danilova

How do Athonite monks live and what do they eat?

Let’s understand the diet and daily routine of elders.

Athonite monks, as well as monks of the Holy Mountain, are servants of the oldest monasteries in Greece near the shores of the Aegean Sea. They lead a special way of life, which helps them to maintain only spirituality, but also health.

Life on Mount Athos follows a strict schedule. The day begins at midnight – rising at 00:00. The day is divided into three parts, of which eight hours are allotted for sleeping, eight for work and the remaining eight for rest. True, and this time is regulated. During the day Athonite monks pray, serve God, eat, read and rest. Also everyone on the Holy Mountain works. Usually it is the occupation of farming and winemaking.

The way of life of Athonite monks is recognized by scientists as one of the healthiest. Thanks to this the inhabitants of the Holy Mountain do not face such terrible diseases as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

How do they eat on Mount Athos?

The servants of the monastery adhere to a strict diet. Eating for them is not a cult that turns into gluttony, but a way to maintain physical strength. The monks eat neither meat nor fish (the latter only on the days of great feasts). Their diet consists mainly of bread, wine, olives and vegetables. Food is cooked without the use of oil – olive oil can be eaten only on weekends.

Monks eat often, but in small portions. Here are some variants of Athonite cuisine: bean soup with orange, chickpeas in tomato sauce, okra (a rare but very tasty and useful vegetable), potato soup with sesame paste and pepper, fasting chickpea cutlets.

It can be said that the inhabitants of the Holy Mountain adhere to an almost vegetarian diet. The main dishes, for the most part, consist of legumes. All vegetables and fruits, which make up the bulk of the diet, the clergy grow themselves. Therefore, they use only ecologically clean products.

Fasting days also help to improve health.

What do Athonite monks do?

Monks spend a lot of time in the fresh clean air, not polluted by external factors. The mountainous terrain in which they live allows this. On average, five times a week for two hours they devote themselves to physical labor.

A balanced, fractional diet, plenty of time in nature and an active lifestyle are the main health secrets of Athonite monks. They allow them to reduce the risk of dangerous diseases and live to a ripe old age, as well as generally improve their health.

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