How to dress for winter fishing. Important tips for those who do not want to freeze

With the beginning of the ice age comes the time of active search for reliable and proven clothing for fans of winter fishing. A lot depends on the right equipment. And first of all health. Comfortable warm suit will allow you to focus on the process and get maximum pleasure from your favorite hobby.

Following the advice of experienced fishermen, you can make a set not costly for the wallet, which will last a long time.

Fisherman’s clothing in winter should be multi-layered. Start collecting equipment should be from the first inner layer.

Thermal underwear

The main task of clothing of the first layer is to withdraw excess moisture, which is formed during physical exertion. And winter fishing is quite active, despite the stereotype that the process does not require maximum movement. You may need a long transition, or have to expend effort when drilling a hole.

The second function of thermal underwear is not to release heat, but, on the contrary, to accumulate it. If the cold air touches your skin, you will freeze very quickly.

In order for the underwear to maximally cope with the tasks, it should contain artificial fibers. Usually it is acrylic. They can also be added cotton and wool.

When looking for thermal underwear, it is necessary to carefully read the composition and study the reviews of firms that produce sets. They will help not to make a mistake when buying.

More about how to pick up a stylish thermal underwear, told in this article.


The second layer is a reliable insulator made of dense materials. Its function is to maximize heat retention. The inner side of the suit has a fleecy surface. Thanks to these fleeces, a heat-insulating layer of air is created. It helps the thermal underwear to warm the body.

As a rule, the suits of the second layer also consist entirely of artificial materials. The most popular material is fleece, a knitted fabric made of polyester. Manufacturers can add wool to the composition of suits for maximum warming effect. But this significantly increases their cost.

Windproof and waterproof suit

The third most important external layer of equipment for winter fishing. To its choice you need to approach with special care. Jacket and pants must necessarily consist of membrane materials. That is, the fabric must have windproof and moisture-repellent properties, but at the same time to allow air to pass through. Otherwise, a “thermos” effect will form inside.

Appearance can be chosen according to your needs. Color, the presence of additional pockets, adjustment and size of the hood. European manufacturers have proven themselves.

Mittens and gloves

On this important accessory is assigned the task not only to warm your hands, but also to maximize the feel of the tackle, the convenience of putting on the bait and taking off the fish. Gloves should be waterproof, windproof.

As noted by experienced anglers, waterproof mittens do not have sufficient comfort and functionality, as, for example, gloves. At the same time, the latter do not have such heat protection as mittens. Therefore, it is recommended to have a set of two pairs: gloves and mittens.


Now on the market there is a wide choice of footwear for winter hobby: valenki, boots made of EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate), boots “Canadian model” – consist of a rubber galoshes and a shank made of tarpaulin or leather.

According to the experience of fishermen, valenki do not have sufficient stability of the foot inside. Hence the high load on the feet, which can cause unwanted injuries.

Boots made of lightweight rubberized material are the ideal solution for today. They have frost resistance, elasticity. They are affordable.

Boots of the “Canadian type” also proved themselves perfectly on winter fishing. Manufacturers claim that they are able to withstand temperatures up to minus 100 degrees.

Case from fishermen: do not put wool socks inside boots with thermal liners. The wool will absorb moisture and your feet will get wet and cold very quickly. For fishing, use moisture-wicking thermal socks.

We wish you a good catch and comfort during winter fishing.

Earlier we talked about why a woman should go fishing with her man. Find the answers in this article.
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