How to lose weight in 4 minutes a day? Fast fat-burning workout

Often it can be difficult to find time for a full-fledged workout in a fitness club or simply do not want to leave the house. It turns out that in order to lose weight and improve your stamina at the same time, you don’t have to go anywhere at all. All you need is a flat surface under your feet, a timer, sometimes a mat, light dumbbells and, of course, knowledge of the Japanese Tabata technique.

The technique of fast, high-intensity training was developed by Professor Izumi Tabata and his team of researchers in 1996. In an experiment conducted, two groups of people trained for six weeks following different strategies. The first group exercised five days a week for an hour at moderate intensity, while the second group exercised four days a week for four minutes at high intensity. It’s hard to believe, but the second group’s final performance was better: they began to see progress in both their aerobic and anaerobic systems.

What is tabata and what are its benefits?

Nowadays, the Japanese training technique has become extremely popular due to its short duration and effectiveness. One tabata round does not take more than four minutes: it consists of 20 seconds of intense exercise at the limit of your capabilities, 10 seconds of rest and 8 repetitions of this cycle. If one cycle is not enough for you, rest, let your body recover and start the next one.

This quick workout has definite advantages over split sessions:

Increased endurance
And both aerobic and anaerobic. During Professor Tabata’s study, it was found that the first group, which practiced for an hour at a measured pace, improved only aerobic endurance, while the Tabata group improved both aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

The aerobic system is activated during low to moderate intensity, measured exercise when oxygen is a sufficient source of energy. For example, jogging, Nordic walking or slow cycling. The anaerobic system, on the other hand, is used only in short but high-intensity workouts, when the body begins to work in an oxygen-free mode. This type of exercise is what tabata is all about.

Fat burning
According to a study conducted at the American University of Wisconsin, energy expenditure during tabata training is 15 kcal per minute. Note that even running burns calories more slowly: about 9 kcal per minute.

Accelerating metabolism
During an experiment in the kinesiology lab at Auburn University, adjunct professor Michelle Olson found that after tabata, the metabolic rate is doubled for at least 30 minutes after the workout. This effect also promotes weight loss.

According to the Japanese technique, indeed, all fitness enthusiasts who have at least some experience of training and an average level of preparation can engage in it. Nevertheless, tabata is categorically contraindicated for people suffering from problems with the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system and joints. It is also not recommended to exercise for those who follow a mono-diet or low-carbohydrate diet.

What exercises to include in a tabata workout?

In the case of tabata, the standard rule of fast training works: choose exercises that involve several muscle groups at once. Dynamic plank, mountain climber, burpees, squats with jumping jacks, push-ups, etc. are great. It is also important to choose a level that honestly corresponds to the physical preparation: tabata for beginners or for advanced. Depending on this, the workout will include exercises of varying degrees of severity.

Timers for tabata workouts

The usual timer on your phone for training is definitely not suitable, because you need to stop it manually and set the next setting yourself. Therefore, for high-intensity interval training, special timers have been invented that notify you of the beginning and end of a round with a loud sound. They run continuously for exactly as many rounds as you need.

Online timers. They can be found on various websites and enabled online. These timers are most convenient to run from a computer rather than a smartphone. For example, the TabataTimer website offers not only to set the number of rounds and cycles, but also to choose music for training: hip-hop, country rock, street funk and other directions.

Video timers. There are a lot of them on YouTube: you can choose a video with your favorite design, with or without musical accompaniment, with a different number of rounds.

Smartphone apps. This is the most convenient option for training outside the home, as you can open it directly from your phone.

Free apps for iOS: “CrossFit Timer” (developer Alexander Senin), “Tabata. Interval Timer” (developer Axiom Mobile LLC).
Free Android apps: “Tabata Timer” (developer Simple Vision), “Tabata Timer and HIIT Timer for Interval Workouts” (developer Parabolic River).

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