How to reboot and beat stress over the weekend. 5 win-win ways from a psychologist

How to reboot and beat stress over the weekend. 5 win-win ways from a psychologist

Veronika Tyurina

Veronika Tyurina

How do you beat stress over the weekend?

If you always feel tired even after non-working days, it’s time to change something.

Veronika Tyurina

consulting psychologist

How to beat stress over the weekend?

Most of us start looking forward to Friday night already from Monday. After all, right after it comes the desired weekend and the opportunity to finally relax. But it happens that sleeping until dinner, the usual lying on the couch and watching TV do not give any rest, and on Monday you again feel tired, as if the weekend and was not. If all this is about you, you need to change something urgently.

In my practice, I’ve found some win-win ways to deal with inner tension and reboot over the weekend so that you can enter the new week with renewed vigor.

Put yourself in a good mood

Do anything that brings you positive emotions. Write in your notes a list of things you really get high from: watching your favorite movie, taking a walk in the park, sitting with friends in a cafe. And try to make time to do a couple of them over the weekend. A lot of nice little things done for yourself add up to an overall pleasant background to your mood.

Move more

It’s long been known that physical activity helps you cope with stress. So take advantage of this knowledge and go to the gym (just don’t be fanatical). Attend a group dance class, yoga class or choose another activity that you enjoy. Turn on some groovy music at home and dance in front of the mirror. Tension always leaves blocks and clamps in the body: if you remove them, you relax the body. In this state, the brain and psyche also relax. A massage session will also come in handy.

“Write a claim.”

This is a simple psychological exercise to “unload” negativity from the conscious and subconscious mind. Take a pen, a notebook and begin to list all your claims to your relatives, colleagues, environment, politics, economic situation. Just write without thinking and as if removing the unspoken words from your tongue. This way you will free your head and release the accumulated emotions. When you are done writing, you can burn the sheet, crumple it up, or seal it in an envelope and put it away. Whatever feels comfortable to you.

Get creative

Perhaps the most beautiful and enjoyable way to deal with stress and tension. Paint, play dough, embroidery, whatever your heart desires. Never tell yourself that you can’t do anything. You create for yourself. The main goal is to live through creativity unnecessary emotions and release them on a sheet of paper, canvas, express them in the form of different figures.

Nervous tension goes away when positive emotions come. You cannot change the circumstances that create anxiety and plunge you into stress. But you can work on your perception and learn how to get rid of negativity quickly. Choose to make yourself happy.

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