How to remove excess water from the body? 5 effective ways

How to get rid of edema? How to remove excess fluid from the body?

We understand together with the doctor.

Extra pounds do not always indicate weight problems. Sometimes frightening figures on the scale – this is also accumulated fluid. This can happen because of illness or if you eat a lot of salty and sweet foods, move little and sleep a lot. How to solve the problem?

Irina Tereshchenko

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics SITILAB

Swelling is not only a cosmetic problem. First of all, it is a symptom.

How to get rid of swelling?

To begin with, it is worth analyzing your lifestyle. Improper diet, lack of physical activity and frequent stress contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Reduce salt intake

The daily norm for an adult is only 5 g. This is one teaspoon without a slide. It seems to be quite a lot, but do not forget how much “hidden” salt is contained in sweets, bread, canned goods.

Reduce the amount of sugar

Sweets can also cause swelling. Sugar raises blood glucose levels, provoking the release of insulin, which is what retains water. That’s why, if you eat cake in the evening, in the morning appear extra pounds – but it’s not fat, but water. Better yet, add fruit to your diet.

Reduce stress

This tip is the hardest to implement. Nevertheless, cortisol, the stress hormone, retains water in the body, interferes with weight loss. Its excess has an extremely negative impact on health and overall well-being. Nervousness, in fact, is harmful.

What to do if swelling does not go away?

If you have adjusted your lifestyle, but the problem remains, it is worth seeing a doctor. When swelling will have to check several organs and systems:

  • thyroid gland – hypothyroidism (a condition caused by a deficiency of thyroid hormones) is often accompanied by swelling;
  • the cardiovascular system;
  • the liver and kidneys;
  • the pancreas – swelling is likely in diabetes mellitus.

Based on the results of these tests, the doctor will be able to determine further diagnosis and eliminate the source of the problem.

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