Like a ballerina: 7 exercises for beautiful posture

Today, posture is a sore subject for almost everyone who spends a lot of time at the computer. Despite the fact that periodically we remember the need to keep our backs straight, it is very difficult to control it all the time.

Ballerinas are famous for their perfect posture. It is difficult to meet at least one whose silhouette would resemble a question mark. How do they manage to maintain such a shape? For example, with the help of exercises.

Exercise 1: “boat”, or grasshopper pose.

You’ll need a mat. After each approach, rest for 15 seconds.

Starting position is lying on your stomach. Spread your arms to the sides, palms point toward the head, thumbs up, shoulder blades connected. Raise your head and try to stay like this for as long as possible, gradually bringing your shoulder blades closer together. If it is difficult to keep your arms straight, bend them at the elbows and keep them parallel to the floor in the air. Or you can bring your hands together at the back and lock them together.

Exercise 2: “cat/cow” sitting down

Sit on your knees, lower your hips to your heels. Keep your arms parallel to the floor in front of you. As you exhale, bring them back, bring your shoulder blades together, and then as you inhale, bring your arms forward and round your back. As you exhale, lift your arms up behind your head, and as you inhale, bring your arms forward and round your back.

Exercise 3: push-ups from knees

Kneel on your knees, raise your shins, in a lying position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Perform push-ups touching the floor at the bottom point.

Exercise 4: “basket”

Lie on your stomach, hold your ankle with your hands, spread your knees apart. As you exhale, arch your back and lift your legs up, pull your shoulders to your knees, and as you inhale, lower yourself.

Exercise 5: arm extension lying on the stomach

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward. As you exhale, bring your right arm back to your right leg. As you inhale, bring it back, but do not place it on the floor, but leave it in the air. Repeat the same with the left arm.

Exercise 6: Fukutsuji method

For this exercise you will need a roller or a gymnastic mat rolled into a tube. Place the roller under the bottom of your shoulder blades, keep your legs straight, and interlock your big toes. Also, fold your hands pinky to pinky and place them on the floor behind your head. Stay in this position for about a minute.

Exercise 7: Elbows apart in a sitting position

Sit on your knees, lower your hips to your heels. Interlock your hands and put your arms around the back of your neck. Spread your elbows and open your chest, leaning back as much as possible. Sit in this position for about a minute.

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;-) :| :x :twisted : :smile : :shock : :triste : :roll : :razz : :oops : :o :mrgreen : :lol : :idée : :grin : :evil : :cry : :cool : :arrow : :???: :?: :!:
