More harm than good: what the bar can be dangerous

The plank is a static holding of the body in the position of resting on the elbows (or palms) and on the feet (or knees – a lighter version). This exercise is very popular among beginners and experienced athletes alike. However, few people think that it is not universal. For some people, the bar can do more harm than good. Let’s find out together with personal trainer and speaker of the International Festival of Health and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM Lev Pozdnyakov.

What types of plank are there?

Standing on the palms

Technique: hands and feet perpendicular to the floor, hands under the shoulder joint, fingers spread out, pelvis “twisted”, abs tense, legs parallel.

If you stand on your palms, you are working more stabilizer muscles (triceps, deltoids, etc.). So if you have weak muscles, they will quickly tire and you will not be able to “load” the abdominal muscles enough. If you feel that your hands hurt during the exercise, know that this is normal for beginners. Discomfort will pass, but on the condition that you will regularly train on straight arms. Wait for a noticeable tension to appear, overcome it for another 5-7 seconds and move to the elbow position. Next time your arms won’t hurt so much!

Standing on elbows

Technique: shoulders and feet perpendicular to the floor, elbow joint under the shoulder, pelvis “twisted”, abs tense, legs parallel.

Standing on the elbows, you will get more load on the abdominal muscles and less on the stabilizers. That’s why you should start with this variant. If the pelvis is “twisted” and the abs are tense, but you still feel discomfort in the lower back, perform the plank with the emphasis on the knees – this will reduce the load on the abs.

What muscles does the plank train?

The plank trains static endurance – the ability to hold the body in a certain position for a certain amount of time.

The main load goes to the abdominal muscles – rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, external and internal obliques.
And also on stabilizers – muscles that help to hold the position: deltoid, biceps, triceps, broadhead, pectoral, quadriceps, ankle stabilizers and many others.

These muscles need to be strong to support the spine and protect it from external influences, for example, also protecting the internal organs. In addition, stabilizers help to perform more complex exercises, such as weighted squats and others.

How can the bar be dangerous?

The plank can be harmful if you have prerequisites for it.

Heart problems, visual disturbances. During the performance, hemolymph drainage is disturbed, intraocular, intracranial pressure increases, so be sure to consult a doctor.

Hernias or protrusions (especially of the lumbar region). In the plank position, a moment is created in the lumbar region, which must be balanced by straining the abdominal muscles (twist the pelvis). If you do not do this, the load goes to the lumbar region, and this can provoke the occurrence of protrusions or aggravate existing ones. To make the moment less, we reduce the “shoulder” and do the plank from the knees.

– Injuries to the shoulder joint. Here it is definitely necessary to refrain – it is better to replace with static leg restraint in a sitting position.

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