Neuropsychologist named 5 conditions for prolonging youth without Botox and elixirs

Mankind is constantly looking for miraculous means of prolonging life. Elixirs, creams, various practices… I want to get a “magic pill”, taking which you will suddenly become someone like Keanu Reeves – a “preserved” ageless handsome man.

By the way, the actor is already 58 years old! Do you think he found the tree with young apples or invented an elixir?

Perhaps now we will be able to touch some of Keanu’s secrets and take them on board. He’s hardly doing anything extraordinary. Everyone knows how simple the actor is about his looks, fame, etc. Who knows, maybe this very ease is his secret….

Catherine of Tours

doctor, psychosomatologist, neuropsychologist.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Everything ingenious, as we know, is simple. You can prolong youth without complex surgical interventions and other expensive techniques, where all the focus of attention is shifted to external changes. I propose to turn it to internal processes.

Work with your mindset and start to really take care of yourself.

These tips may seem naive. You know you need to get enough sleep. Don’t you? But… Did you easily tear yourself off the pillow today? I propose to break down the very simple things that we overlook, thinking that masking the problem – Botox, etc.. – is the solution.

1. Getting a full night’s sleep

So, let’s continue with the topic of your heavy morning wake-up. Why is it so important when we’re talking about youth? The quality of sleep is something that our health directly depends on. It should be sufficient in duration, deep and carried out according to a regimen. The optimal duration is 7-9 hours a day.

Yes, in the modern world, many people do not manage to keep a clear schedule. But this point is worth it to make it a habit. Remember – all for the sake of good health, good mood and prolongation of youth.

Give yourself the opportunity to sleep. Do not forget the saying: “On a fresh head and thoughts are easier”.

What to do if you suffer from insomnia? Read about ways to get rid of it HERE.

2. Meditations

Speaking of thoughts! You should definitely work with them. A proven tool is meditation. They allow you to tune into a positive wave and look at your life from a different angle. Today there is a lot of research on the health benefits of meditative techniques.

They are also important if there are problems with acceptance and self-love. Without working on these issues, you can hardly live happily ever after.

3. brain training

A healthy, active brain is invaluable. To make it so, it is important to form new neural connections. The following activities serve this purpose: reading, drawing, modeling, knitting, playing musical instruments, etc. In general, it’s about any creative endeavor.

Start small. Next, the hobby will draw you in and add pleasantness to gray days. This option is also important in the fight for good mood and youthfulness.

4. Balanced meals

Snacking on the go and fast food are not good for your health. They are not only harmful to the figure, but affect the condition in general. The body needs a daily supply of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, various microelements, vitamins, fiber and water for normal activity. All this can only be obtained with a balanced diet.

It is necessary that each meal contains all of the above elements. Then your health will be normal and your mood will be good. Food is a fuel, a source of energy. What you fuel your body, so it will “go”.

If eating anything (and at night) has become your habit, catch TIPS that will help you get rid of it.

5. Exercise

Even 20 minutes of exercise a day will have a great effect on your mood and overall health. In today’s modern living conditions, it’s hard to make time for the gym, but you can find other ways to keep yourself in shape. Such as?

Walk from work to home. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk home in the morning after work, go up to the apartment not on the elevator, but on the stairs. Do light calisthenics in the morning.

If you’re ready to add a little more sport to your life, but don’t know what exactly to do, catch the Yoga for Beginners INSTRUCTION. There are only 10 basic asanas, but they will work all muscle groups.
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;-) :| :x :twisted : :smile : :shock : :triste : :roll : :razz : :oops : :o :mrgreen : :lol : :idée : :grin : :evil : :cry : :cool : :arrow : :???: :?: :!:
