Popular characters from the ’90s. How the actors from the TV series “Ellen and the boys” have changed

In the early 90s, the French TV series “Hélène et les enfants” was very popular. In total, the creators filmed four seasons of 280 episodes. The picture won a large number of fans not only in the country, but all over the world. In Russia, the series also appealed to the viewer. We offer to look at how the actors look now, who almost 30 years ago reincarnated on the screen in the favorite characters.

Helen Rolle

Rolle performed the main role in “Hélène and the boys”. In parallel with filming, the actress was engaged in another creative endeavor – recorded quite popular music albums. In the series can be heard a number of compositions of her authorship, and one of them became the main soundtrack of the picture. After filming Ellen refused to play in the sequel. Agreeing only a few episodes, she finally went into music. In February 2013, the actress adopted two children from Ethiopia.

Ellen says she is afraid of wrinkles. Age changes still did not bypass her, although, we agree, at 53, Rolle looks great. The artist does not reveal the secret of slimness and does not talk about sports or proper nutrition. Probably, constant activity, frequent performances and tours also help her to keep herself in shape.

Patrick Pudeba

Patrick in the plot played Nicolas, who was connected romantic relations with the heroine Hélène Rolle. Later Pudeba admitted that in life there was a romance between them. Then the couple broke up, but kept friendly relations. The actors even flew together to Moscow in 2016.

Now Patrick is 48 years old. He leads the author’s program “Morning with Patrick Pudeba” on television and, in general, looks his age. Pudeba did not part with his long hair, even when gray hair flashed in it. He is not shy to share in his “Instagram” photos with alcohol, cigarettes and family feasts, so it is unlikely that the man refers to himself as a follower of a healthy lifestyle.

Kati Andrieu

Kati in the first two seasons successfully played a friend of Hélène, but in 1993 she left the series for the sake of a modeling career. During filming, the actress had an affair with colleague David Prue, whom she later married. The couple had two children, however, in the 2000s, the actors broke up. After the divorce Andrieu married a second time – for a Parisian lawyer.

In his 49 years Kati looks just fine: she still boasts a trim figure and a flat stomach. In the “instagram” actress often appear pictures taken by the sea and in the mountains. Apparently, she prefers an active lifestyle, likes to travel with her family, swim and go down snowy slopes.

David, like his ex-wife, also worked as a model. He left filming even earlier than Katya for the same reason – he wanted to develop his career. After leaving “Helen and the boys” Pru still graduated from the school of acting, but never realized in this direction. And after going through a divorce with Andrieu, the man decided to radically change his life and became a professional photographer.

To date, Pru is 51 years old, and he has achieved recognition in a new role. The photographer’s works are exhibited in many galleries in France, and he himself travels a lot. Last year David even came to Ufa. A life in motion allows the man to look good, but he has put on a little weight.

Rochelle Redfield

Rochelle performed the role of Joanna. After several seasons, the actress left the project, explaining that she wanted to break free from the captivity of her heroine. After that, Redfield starred for advertising campaigns and appeared on television, but did not achieve great success. Now she works as a presenter, raises four children and writes paintings.

Rochelle does not speak publicly about daily worries and hobbies, so we can judge the changes only by appearance. The actress is older than her colleagues on the series, now she is 57. She is not young, but tries to keep up with the times and looks quite stylish. True, Redfield prefers art to sports.

Sebastien Roche

Roche played Christian – this is one of the most colorful roles in the series. In 1993, the actor decided to no longer participate in the filming of the picture, so as not to get stuck in one role. Instead, Sebastien tried to become a singer, and the first album of the artist became a sensation in France. The song Au Bar de Jess hit the most popular local hit parade. Now Roche is a musician and TV presenter, as well as an actor at the D’Edgar Theater.

Sébastien is the youngest in the cast of Hélène & the Boys. Today, the man is 47 years old and never seems to stand still. Roche’s social networks are full of photos from his travels, on which he is diving, participating in motorcycle races, climbing a mountain at a ski resort and just enjoying life.

Unlike many of the artists from “Ellen and the boys”, Laura always dreamed of the profession of an actress. Having played the role of Benedict in the series, she became a star in her country. But after participating in the filming of such a popular project, the girl’s career stalled. Giber left television and plunged into art: now she writes paintings and participates in exhibitions.

By the age of 52 Laura has not parted with neither luxurious blond hair, nor with a slim, quite athletic figure. By the way, the ex-actress likes to ski. In addition to art and sports, the girl tries to devote time to caring for the environment and animals. In her “instagram” there are often publications that delicately urge the audience not to harm our planet and its inhabitants.

Philippe Vasseur

Philippe is familiar to viewers in the image of José. It’s funny that initially Vasser worked as an illuminator on the set, but the casting director saw potential in the man. After “Helen and the boys” actor tried to continue to shoot in other films, but success did not regain. Now he still appears on television, is fond of playing the guitar, is engaged in interior design and repair of houses.

Outwardly, Philip is almost unrecognizable. The only thing that immediately catches the eye and reminds you of his image in the series – a luxurious hairstyle. With it the man never said goodbye and, on the contrary, supplemented the mustache and beard. Sport Vasser is not fond of sports and hardly strives for a proper diet. Recently, the actor showed how he fries a juicy steak on a hot pan, and this was followed by 18 thousand people on Facebook.

Lali Menyan

Unfortunately, Lali also became hostage to a single role. After participating in the series, Menyan was sometimes invited to star in commercials, in addition, she managed to become a presenter. The girl led several morning programs on the French TV channel IDF1 Matin, along with colleagues on the series Patrick Pudeba and Sébastien Roche.

In January this year, Lali turned 52 years old. Since filming the series, she has certainly changed and said goodbye to her model looks. Due to her age, Menyan got a little better, but a few pounds did not spoil her image. The vivacious actress still adheres to an active lifestyle, appears at social events, musical performances and shows.

Sebastien Kurivo

Surprisingly, Kurivo was the only professional actor in the cast of the series. On the set Sebastien met with his future wife – Virginie Karen, but their union lasted only two years. Now the man is starring in several French TV series, plays the piano and is engaged in photography.

By the age of 51, the man grew long hair and acquired stubble, which gives him brutality. Although the force of time and affected Sebastian, he looks good. But his personal life is carefully hidden from the audience: all his social networks are closed, except for the pages where he publishes his creative work.

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