Scientists have found that green tea slows aging. How does it work?

How does green tea affect the body? Can it increase life expectancy? Who should not drink it?

Let’s find out together with a nutritiologist.

Useful properties of green tea for many people have long been no secret. But, as you know, everything is poison and everything is medicine. The only difference is in the dosage. So in what quantities can you drink the drink to get the greatest benefit and not to harm your health?

Nonna Kovalevskaya

Nutriciologist, project manager of Freedom International Group for the Coffeecell brand.

Green tea can indeed bring tangible benefits to the body due to its high content of antioxidants and polyphenols. Nevertheless, it is important not to exceed the permissible dose and not to drink it at night, so as not to provoke insomnia.

What do scientists say?

Researchers from Greece and Australia have found an interesting pattern: those who drink green tea live longer and are less likely to experience health problems in old age. In addition, the data analysis showed that people 50 and older who drank more green tea tended to be more physically active and had a lower risk of low blood pressure.

Green tea is known to have antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Scientists suggest that regular consumption of the beverage reduces the risk of:

  • certain cancers;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • type II diabetes;
  • cognitive impairment, etc.

Nonna: In addition, green tea has a high content of substances that have anti-allergic, antibacterial, antiviral action and protect the heart.

How much green tea can I drink per day and can I drink it every day?

It is not recommended to drink more than 2-3 cups per day. It is also worth refusing to drink after 18:00.

Nonna: If you do not exceed the permissible dose, green tea can be drunk every day. Moreover, in this case, the benefit to the body will be higher than with single use. Caffeine contained in the drink will reduce bad cholesterol, normalize sugar levels and have a tonic effect.

Green tea, like any other caffeine-containing product, is contraindicated in people with:

  • “tired adrenal glands” syndrome;
  • anemia;
  • anxiety disorders;
  • glaucoma;
  • liver diseases, etc.
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