Stretching a triathlete: 6 basic asanas to master in yoga

Yoga is a multifaceted teaching of learning about oneself and the world around us. It has its roots in ancient Indian philosophy and is becoming more and more popular today.

In the modern world, yoga has acquired a more sporty and therapeutic connotation and has become accessible to most people without losing its original purpose. By practicing yoga, people strengthen their own will, minimize stress, and effectively recover from intense exertion. As part of the special project “150 Days to My First Triathlon Start” we continue to publish materials that will help you learn more about the diversity of the triathlete’s training plan. In addition to core workouts and homework, the Iron Babes by World Class team’s schedule always includes yoga.

Many people think that yoga is something difficult and confusing to master. This teaching is surrounded by many stereotypes that should be avoided. First of all, you need to realize that this discipline is safe and beneficial for your body. To start practicing yoga, you should learn about the basic exercises that will help you master the practice in the future.

Especially for “Championship” World Class coach Andrey Us showed several asanas, which, if performed correctly, will have a positive effect on your stretching, as well as improve flexibility of joints and help relieve tension.

Asana is a posture of the body, which is taken consciously, with maximum involvement of the mind and feelings.


Uttanasana is an intense stretch. Stand up straight with your knees tucked in. With an exhalation, lean forward and lower the toes of your hands to the floor. With an exit, move your palms back behind the line of your heels, bring your body to your feet and lower your head to your knees.

Effect: the legsare strengthened, the leg muscles are stretched evenly, the brain is calmed, and the spine is stretched.


Parshvattanasanaasana is an intense lateral stretch. Stand up straight, pull your knees up. Bring your palms together behind your back at the level of your shoulder blades, step your right foot forward, left foot back. Right foot 90 degrees, left foot inward 60 degrees. With an exhale, lean forward and lower your head to your right knee. On an inhale, rise up and do the asana in the other direction.

Effect: gives flexibility to legs, hips, spine and wrists. Eliminates slouching in the thoracic spine.

Uttthitha Trikonasana

Uttthita Trikonasana is the asana of the elongated triangle. Stand up straight, spread your legs 100 centimeters apart, feet parallel. Turn the right foot to the right 90 degrees, the left foot inward 60 degrees. As you exhale, tilt your body to the right, press your right hand to the floor, and raise your left hand. Direct your gaze to the thumb of your left hand. On the inhale come out and do the other way.

Effect: tones the leg muscles, removes stiffness in the legs and hips, strengthens the ankles and opens the chest.

Uttthitta Parshvakonasana.

Uttthitta Parshvakonasana is an extended side angle asana. Stand up straight, spread your legs 120 centimeters wide, feet parallel. Turn the right foot 80 degrees, the left foot 60 degrees inward. Bend the right leg to a 90-degree angle at the knee. Place your right palm on the floor on the outside of your right foot, extend your left arm along your left ear. On an inhale, come out and do the asana to the other side.

Effect: tones the ankles, knees and hips. Opens and strengthens the chest, burns fat in the pelvis and waist.

Virabhadrasana 1

Virabhadrasana 1 is hero asana 1. Stand straight, step forward with the right foot, the distance between the feet 130 centimeters. Right foot 90 degrees, left foot 60 inwards, bend the right leg at the knee to a 90 degree angle and on an inhalation step out and do the other side.

Effect: the rib cage expands which promotes deep breathing, relieves stiffness in the shoulders, back, neck, and strengthens the ankles and knees.

Virabhadrasana 2

Virabhadrasana 2 is hero asana 2. Stand up straight, step forward with your right foot, the distance between the feet is 130 centimeters. Right foot to the right 90 degrees, left foot 60 degrees inward, bend your right leg to a 90 degree angle at the knee. Spread your arms out to the sides and keep your hands at shoulder level, palms down parallel to the floor. On an inhale, step out and do the other side.

Effect: makes legs strong and slender, gets rid of leg cramps, returns flexibility to legs and back.

Remember, yoga develops not only flexibility of the body, but also flexibility of the mind. Thanks to it, you will begin to understand yourself and the people around you better. Over time, it will give you the opportunity to learn how to manage your life. If you choose yoga, the chance to unlock your inner potential is greatly increased.

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