The “Donkey” exercise is an unusual but effective way to work the calf muscles

Beautiful and pumped calves are not only about aesthetics, but also about strength and ease of walking. So this part of the body should be given special attention in training. “Donkey” is an exercise just for working on the calf muscles.

Mikhail Prygunov

FitStars fitness trainer

“If you’ve long wanted to meet someone at the gym or diversify your workout plan, the donkey exercise is a pretty original way to do it!”

Benefits of the exercise

Between 80% and 85% of the work is done by the biceps muscles, located on the back of the lower leg. The flounder muscles, located under the calf muscles, are also actively involved in the exercise, helping in the extension of the feet and maintaining body balance.

A distinctive feature is that due to the inclination we initially get a stretched starting position of the involved muscles, which allows us to feel the tension better than in classic toe raises.

In addition, with this body position there is almost no compression load on the spine. Again, a significant plus in comparison to the barbell foot lifts. Spinal compression in this exercise is present with any additional weight.


“Donkey” refers to power gymnastics and bodybuilding. Control of the correct technique of execution requires skill and experience. Do not try to perform such elements for the first time without a coach, otherwise you risk not getting any effect at best, and at worst – injury.

Any ankle, knee or hip disorders are contraindications to performing this exercise. You should also avoid “Donkey” with sprains, injuries, spinal problems, hernias and so on. Be careful and cautious, there are much simpler and safer ways to strengthen the calf muscles.

How to perform the exercise?

You will need additional weights. You can perform the lifts with your partner by placing him on your back. Hence the name of the exercise – “Donkey”. For men, as a rule, fragile girls act as partners so that the additional weight is not too great.

The height of the platform on which the feet will be placed, about 10-15 centimeters, it can be any flat object that can withstand a heavy load. You will also need a fixed point of support, you will need to hold on to it with your hands.

There is also a special simulator for this element. It has a flat roll, which should be located in the area of the sacrum. Due to it, you can set the desired weight.

The exercise is performed after a good warm-up, when all your muscles are warmed up. It will be enough 3-4 approaches of 10-15 lifts, depending on how comfortable it is for you to work with the chosen weight.

Technique with a partner

  • Put your toes on the edge of the platform, heels on the floor, pelvis is located strictly above the feet.
  • Lean forward. Place your hands on the Swedish wall or any other fixed support. The angle between the body and the legs is approximately 90°.
  • The partner should sit on the lowest part of your back, so that the main load went to the legs and not to the lower back.
  • It is better to bend your legs slightly at the knee joint and keep them in this position throughout the approach to avoid ligament injuries.
  • As you exhale, lift your heels off the floor and rise on your toes.
  • When you reach the topmost point, hold for 2-3 seconds.
  • As you inhale, slowly lower your heels, lower them as low as possible, but do not put them on the floor.
  • Repeat the movement up and down.

Thetechnique in the simulator differs onlyin the fact that instead of a partner, a soft pillow is fixed on the back, and the hands are placed on special handles. The main advantage of special equipment is the ability to control the weight of the aggravation, so choose it correctly, the performance should not be easy, but also not too difficult.

The main mistakes

  • Insufficient amplitude of movement. The ankle joint is not as mobile as the knee or hip joints, so it is very important to rise as high as possible on the toes and lower the level of support.
  • Knee flexion and extension. During the exercise, the knee joint should be fixed. Raising and lowering is done only by the feet. At first perform the exercise in front of a mirror, so you can clearly control the position of your body and do not make similar mistakes.
  • Too sharp jumping movements. Smoothness of execution and a pause at the top point are necessary to ensure that the rise and fall are performed by the contraction of the calf muscle, not the elasticity of the Achilles tendon. Jumping on your toes with extra weight and such amplitude can lead to injury, up to a complete rupture of the tendon.
  • Back rounding. The spine should maintain a natural position.

Exercise anywhere: at home, in the gym or outdoors. Don’t forget to invite your friends, because this makes the exercise more fun and interesting.

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