What do the Japanese eat every morning to feel good? 6 essential elements

What do the Japanese eat every morning to feel good? 6 essential elements

Irina Dvorkina

Irina Dvorkina

What the Japanese eat for breakfast

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A real resident of Japan doesn’t start his day without these dishes.

Irina Dvorkina

General practitioner, ex-director of the Hillel Foundation in Saratov.

“Asa gohan refers to a Japanese term that means literally: asa – morning, gohan – cooked rice. It is a traditional meal in Japan, usually including a bowl of rice.”

The tradition of “asa gohan”

The history and tradition associated with “asa gohan” in Japan goes back many years. Rice has been a staple of the Japanese diet for centuries and has significant cultural and symbolic value in their society. It is used not only as part of breakfast, but also as a staple of other meals.

The custom of eating rice for breakfast reflects the importance of this grain in Japanese cuisine, the cultivation of which was an integral part of Japanese agriculture. Breakfast is considered by the inhabitants of this country to be an indispensable meal that provides energy for the day ahead.

What do the Japanese eat for breakfast?


In Japanese breakfast, the basis is white rice cooked in a special rice cooker. It serves as a base for other dishes and is considered one of the most important components of Japanese cuisine.

Miso soup

This is a traditional Japanese soup made on the basis of miso paste. Tofu curd pieces, nori seaweed and various vegetables are usually added to the soup. The dish is traditionally considered very healthy for the body and is a good source of protein – about 2.9 g per 100 g of product with a caloric value of only 40 kcal.


These are fermented soybeans that have a unique taste and aroma. Natto is usually served with rice and soy sauce. The dish is high in protein (approximately 19.4g per 100g), which is great for a morning meal.

Fish and seafood

The Japanese often add fish and seafood such as fried or grilled fish pieces, seaweed, shrimp and other sea delicacies.

Vegetables and eggs

A Japanese breakfast can also have a variety of vegetable dishes, salads, omelets or boiled eggs.

Fruit and other ingredients

Sometimes Japanese people also add fruits, yogurt, small portions of canned fish or other additional ingredients to their breakfast to diversify and enrich their breakfast.

The “asa gohan” tradition holds a special place in Japanese culture and is a way to maintain a balanced diet and overall well-being. Depending on preferences and available foods, Japanese breakfast can vary, but the basic components remain roughly the same.

The basic idea behind Japanese breakfast is balance, nutrition and respect for the traditions of Japanese culture.

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