What kvass can be drunk when losing weight. Told by a nutritionist

Nata Gonchar

Founder of the International Institute of Integrative Nutritionology

Kvas is a great substitute for lemonades and juices, but can it be included in the diet?

Kvass is a traditional drink that is wonderfully refreshing and invigorating in the heat. On summer days, kvass is used to quench thirst and make delicious okroshka. Kvass has a rich assortment of varieties and types: from classic bread to bright beet. We tell you what kvass is useful and what kind of kvass to choose for people on a diet.

How useful kvass is

Summer days are hard to imagine without a mug of cold bread kvass. Therefore, you should not say a categorical “no” to the drink, even if you adhere to a diet.

First, it is an excellent version of a fermented product that normalizes the intestinal microbiome, improves the growth of beneficial bacteria and replenishes vitamin C stores. A well functioning microbiome will increase the effectiveness of your diet and help to establish digestion.

Secondly, kvass is rich in beneficial properties:

  • contains vitamins B, C and E, potassium, calcium, iodine, manganese, sodium, sulfur, etc.;
  • serves as a powerful natural energizer;
  • strengthens immunity due to amino acids alanine and leucine, vitamin B6, phosphorus, magnesium and iron;
  • has a positive effect on the digestive, urogenital and endocrine systems due to the presence of yeast fungi in it;
  • activates the synthesis of vitamins and fights pathogenic bacteria;
  • contains the amino acid asparagine, which normalizes the nervous system and prevents excessive excitement;
  • improves sleep;
  • increases the intensity of fat breakdown and improves liver function.

How many calories in kvass

The caloric content of the drink depends on the variety and type chosen. In a bottle of purchased kvass, the caloric content varies from 17 to 49 kcal per 100 ml. This is a medium-calorie drink with a high content of carbohydrates, because the traditional recipe involves the use of bread, yeast and sugar.

Despite the significant content of sugar and yeast, moderate consumption of kvass will not harm the figure and health. The optimal portion of the drink per day is 200 ml.

How many calories are contained in the okroshka, largely depends on the kvass. More details were told in the previous article.

Is it possible to drink kvass on a diet

When following a diet, I strongly recommend that you refuse to buy kvass and prepare it yourself. So you can regulate the added amount of sugar in the drink or at all prepare it on the basis of dried fruits or honey.

If you don’t have enough time to prepare homemade kvass, I recommend choosing those variants where sugar is specified in the last place in the list of ingredients or is completely absent. Another prerequisite for healthy kvass is natural fermentation.

What kvass to choose if you want to lose weight

Oatmeal (classic, with basil, with mint) – has a powerful cleansing effect, rich in antioxidants, improves the state of intestinal microflora.

Beet – activates metabolic processes by cleansing the body of toxic substances.

Beetroot – a drink prepared on a natural sourdough starter, provides the body with vitamins and minerals, prevents avitaminosis, increases the elasticity of vascular walls, strengthens the heart muscle and reduces harmful cholesterol.

Unfiltered and unfiltered – especially useful due to its short shelf life and high concentration of enzymes.

Rye (bread) kvass is a source of vitamins, improves carbohydrate metabolism and stimulates metabolism.

Bread varieties of kvass contain rare vitamin PP, which stimulates the absorption of nutrients from food, and lactic acid yeast cultures help to cope with dysbacteriosis, reduce flatulence, improve intestinal function.

Many people prefer to dress the okroshka exactly with kvass. But this is not the only option. How to prepare a useful cold soup, told in another article.

Who should not drink kvass

Despite the large list of useful properties, there are situations when it is better to refuse kvass or use it with caution:

  • Celiac disease – gluten intolerance (protein of cereal crops) or allergy to it;
  • pregnancy or lactation – kvass may contain alcohol (about 1.2%);
  • gastritis – there is a risk of mucosal irritation and exacerbate the disease;
  • urolithiasis – because of the risk of new formations, as there is a lot of potassium in kvass;
  • diabetes mellitus – in purchased kvass is often a large amount of sugar, which provokes insulin spikes in the blood.

Real kvass is a suitable drink for the summer heat, but only if it has a minimum of sugar, chemical additives and preservatives. It is desirable to choose unpasteurized or “live” kvass, which is most beneficial for health. Such kvass can be stored no longer than three days.

Excessive consumption of kvass can lead to insulin resistance and overweight due to excess sugar in the diet. Keep in mind that kvass is not water, but a carbohydrate product that contains calories. Keep in moderation.

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