What you need to do in the next three months to make the fall moping pass you by

What you need to do in the next three months to make the fall moping pass you by

Elvira Galimova

Elvira Galimova

What to be sure to do in the fall

4 tips for those who want to spend the fall productively.

Fall is an active time, a new season for launching grand projects, achievements, plans and goals. If you’ve been putting something off, it’s time to take action.

Elvira Galimova

Elvira Galimova

founder of PR bureau Done Media and educational platform Done Media Kafedra

Your cherished “Monday” and “the right moment” have already come. Learn new professions, take up hobbies, join a gym if you were planning to do so.

Act here and now

Summer carefree, warm evenings and leisurely walks have been replaced by cooler days. And with them you may notice a drop in mood, moping and even health problems. But is it worth cursing the weather without being able to influence it?

Add bright colors to your closet and dress warmer. Complement your favorite jacket with a new bright scarf, hat and gloves. Don’t deny yourself a cup of hot tea with mint and thyme. Also replace sweets with seasonal fruits: figs, persimmons, for example. Try to go to bed a little earlier. The daylight hours have become shorter, and the body is not yet able to readjust to the realities of a gloomy morning.

Sleep well

If you feel that you are on the verge of professional burnout – do not rush to burn bridges. Slow down, take a couple of days off at your own expense, go to the nearest vacation home or just revisit your favorite movies at home, wrapped in a warm blanket, being with your family. You may just need a little reset.

Get inspired

Books, movies, music, theater, and seeing friends. In short, anything that helps you get a positive emotional charge won’t be out of place.

Here are 15 ideas to get inspired this fall:

  1. Take a walk in the parks and watch the leaves turn yellow. Take a series of photos of the same landscape throughout the fall. This way you will see the passage of time.
  2. Prepare a charlotte.
  3. Go mushroom picking.
  4. Participate in a cleanup day.
  5. Start learning new things.
  6. Visit a pottery studio.
  7. Make jam. Preferably healthy.
  8. Buy a brightly colored knit sweater.
  9. Make a new playlist.
  10. Sort out and put away summer things in the closet, and on the contrary, start preparing winter things for the season.
  11. Start planning for New Year’s Eve celebrations.
  12. Watch your favorite movie under a blanket.
  13. Take a trip to a neighboring town.
  14. Buy a season pass to the pool.
  15. Enjoy the fall.

Don’t put things off until later

If you have a couple hours to spare before the end of the work week, don’t waste them on social media. Get things done that aren’t going to get away from you anyway.

Don’t leave everything until Monday, don’t accumulate a snowball of chores and obligations, and enter the weekend with a light heart and pride in accomplishment. Our mini-instruction at the link below will help you defeat procrastination.

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