Why does a cold take a long time to go away? The doctor mentioned possible reasons

There are numerous cases of prolonged colds in Russia. The main symptoms are fever not exceeding 37.5⁰C, high fatigue, prolonged cough that does not go away for weeks. Coronavirus tests are negative. Nevertheless, doctors are not in a hurry to somehow distinguish this disease: they say that patients with prolonged acute respiratory viral infections are common.

Lubov Stankevich

doctor, director of laboratory medicine of the company “LabQuest” + “Q-Clinica”

“I will tell you what a prolonged cold is and why it occurs.”

What viruses can hide under the cold

Testing in outpatient clinics is really only aimed at detecting coronavirus infection, the causative agent of which is SARS-CoV-2. If it is not detected, a patient with characteristic symptoms is diagnosed with acute respiratory viral infections.

However, there are more than 200 viruses lurking behind it:

  • Paramyxoviruses (parainfluenza viruses 1-4, respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus);
  • various coronaviruses;
  • picornaviruses (rhinoviruses);
  • adenoviruses (species B, C, E);
  • parvoviruses (human bocavirus).

These viruses (with the exception of human bocavirus) initiate diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The most severe forms of ARVI are caused by respiratory syncytial virus, metapneumovirus, influenza viruses, parainfluenza viruses and coronaviruses. And sometimes one person can be infected with several types of pathogens at the same time.

Our experts have analyzed the results of tests for respiratory viral infections. Among the test results that confirm one or another viral disease.

  • 16% are adenoviruses;
  • 14% are for Sars coronavirus COV-2;
  • 8% of positive results are rhinoviruses;
  • 6% are parainfluenza virus type 2.

No other viral infections have been detected yet. But we are only at the beginning of the increase in the incidence of the disease: ahead of winter, severe cold and the return of respiratory infections. Including the lingering ones.

Causes of the lingering cold

Protracted colds are a really interesting phenomenon. There are at least three reasons for it. The first is that viruses sometimes flow recirculatory: there is a wave of viral replication, the immune system suppresses viruses, but does not kill them completely. And we seem to feel better, but then the virus reappears.

So the course is cyclical, it can take two or three cycles for a virus, it’s possible. Different viruses behave differently, but it all depends on the body.

Reason number two is a lowered immune system. Very many viruses tend to interact with our immune cells, suppressing their activity. A virus enters the body – and almost always the local immunity is reduced.

Some microorganisms are able to bind to the receptors of immune system cells, suppressing their activity. For some time, the mucosa of the respiratory tract becomes defenseless against them, so that another infection is more likely to follow.

For example, if in the biocenosis of the throat was present Staphylococcus aureus, then when the flu infection will again “raise its head”. That staphylococcus, which on healthy mucosa did not cause harm, against the background of viral infection begins to cause inflammation.

And the third reason – undiagnosed atypical pathogens: chlamydia and mycoplasma pneumoniae. They can start with a mild respiratory infection: temperature no higher than 37⁰C, fatigue, asthenia (painful condition). In this case, a person – no matter whether a child or an adult – feels bad, can not work, study for a long time, cough does not go away for weeks.

How to treat

In situations of prolonged prolonged colds, only laboratory diagnostics allows you to understand exactly what is the matter, and do not miss a serious pathogen. It is important to realize that in all three situations described, the approaches to therapy are different.

With the help of multiplex testing, such as the test for differential diagnosis of upper respiratory tract infections, when one smear identifies different pathogens, it is possible to detect the cause of a prolonged cold. And most importantly, with the help of such a study to find the right therapeutic solution – what to treat the infection.

Antibiotics are prescribed only when the infectious agent and its sensitivity to a particular group of drugs are confirmed.

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