Why doesn’t the weight go away? Even with daily workouts and proper nutrition

Why doesn’t the weight go away? Even with daily workouts and proper nutrition

Why is the weight standing still?

When you don’t get the results you want, it can be hard to stay motivated.

For many who have decided to take charge of their body and get in shape, periods of stagnation or even weight gain are unpleasant surprises. What are the reasons for such slumps and whether it is possible to fight them, let’s find out together with trainer and nutritionist Andrei Semeshov.

Why weight does not go away even with regular training?

According to the coach, the main mistake of some athletes is the wrong ratio of calories eaten and spent. There are two ways to avoid this situation. The first is to start counting calories and tracking the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And the second – to throw out of the diet “calorie traps”, that is, flour and sweets.

Does lack of sleep or stress affect weight loss?

Directly, these factors have almost no effect on weight loss. However, indirectly – very strongly, because stress and sleep deprivation can provoke overeating, to which people do not always pay attention. The body lacked sleep – will try to compensate by eating more dense meals. With stress is about the same. Therefore, you should not eat a bun bad mood, if you want to achieve results.

Can slow weight loss indicate health problems?

The trainer strongly recommends not to engage in self-diagnosis, and even more so self-treatment. If there is a deterioration of health, external manifestations of vitamin deficiency (for example, poor condition of nails or hair), the only correct course of action is to see a doctor, take tests and get adequate treatment.

If the weight goes slowly or sometimes even stands still, there is nothing wrong with it. It is better to lose weight slowly, but methodically. If you sharply lose pounds on some radical diet or marathon, they are sure to return. And in addition may occur and eating disorder.

Andrei: Optimal weight loss with a proper distribution of physical activity and balanced diet should be about minus 1-2% of your own weight per week.

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