With what and where to wear crocs for men and women? Topical options for the city

With what and where to wear crocs for men and women? Topical options for the city

Magdalena Ostrya

Magdalena Ostrya

What to wear crocs with in the city?

This is a universal shoe that will be appropriate not only on the beach.

Crocs have firmly entered our lives, and there are good reasons for this. These shoes are not only practical, but also comfortable. It does not sweat the feet, they almost do not slip on the foot, on a wet floor or ground. Thanks to the shape of the sole they do not tire the feet, and because of the numerous holes and free parts in the cut they also provide relatively free breathing of the skin of the feet.

Moreover, many celebrities and media personalities started to appear in them at fashion events. Even some American ex-presidents have been spotted getting out of their cars in crocs.

Magdalena Ostrya

Magdalena Ostraya

Image and style expert, founder of the Academy of Image Management “Respect”.

How and with what to wear crocs? There are several options.

Crocs fit into the style concept of streat-casual, so it is quite appropriate to wear them:

  1. Shopping;
  2. Walking in parks, entertainment centers;
  3. For sporting events;
  4. For moving games and hiking with children;
  5. In the pool, on the beach, on a yacht trip and for any water recreation.

In the case of shopping or water and beach recreation crocs can be combined with any conventional clothing, girls even with dresses, both monochrome and printed. The main thing is that the cut of the dress was not binding, and the dress itself in color well matched with crocs.

For hiking and entertainment crocs will be perfectly combined with shorts, breeches, pixie pants, shirts and blousons. At the same time, accessories are acceptable in a variety of ways, they are also preferable from plastic materials, such as bags and briefcases made of textiles, backpacks made of dense fabric or artificial materials, hats, caps and berets of different styles.

Men who adhere to casual or classic, you can wear crocs even with classic summer pants, it is just desirable that the crocs were with them the same tone, or better yet, the same color, so the set looks more noble.

For sporting events or mobile games with children or in companies you can wear crocs with a tracksuit or the same shorts and T-shirt. Such an outfit will be not only comfortable and appropriate, but also very attractive.

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