Guys, don’t do that. Synthol or life?

Many guys dream of having biceps like Arnold Schwarzneger, but not everyone is ready to spend time and train in the gym to achieve their goal.

Unfortunately, some resort, as it seems to them, to a simpler method: they start using drugs that, although they help to increase muscle mass, have a negative impact on health. One such drug is synthol. Syntol is a substance that increases muscle, but destroys health.

Syntol. How did it all start?

One of the first users of synthol was German strongman Klaus Doering, who called himself “the owner of the biggest arms in the world” – 68 centimeters in volume. Over time, pumping up a couple inches with synthol became commonplace. Now it is injected not only into the biceps and triceps, but also into the calves, quadriceps, deltoids and pecs. Syntol was created in the 1990s, but only became widely known a couple of years ago.

What is Syntol?

Syntol is an oil (fat) with added anesthetic agents. The drug is injected deep into the muscle and spreads between the ligaments of muscle fibers. With repeated injections, the volume of oil in the muscle grows, increasing its size, similar to the way a balloon stretches. About 30% of the drug is metabolized in the body. The remaining 70% of the substance remains in the muscle for more than 3-5 years and breaks down very slowly. Many medical professionals claim that syntol lingers in the muscles much longer – at least 8 years.

Why is this dangerous?

Any injections, even those performed correctly, are potentially dangerous to the body. When injected intramuscularly, it is quite easy to damage a particular nerve, causing paresis (impaired sensation) or paralysis of the innervated area. Despite the danger of the substance, many people continue to use it without thinking about the consequences.

Who is Kirill Teryoshin?

In Russia, perhaps one of the most famous synthol users is Kirill Teryoshin. A 21-year-old young man, risking his health, pumped his biceps with synthol. Now he brags about the result in social networks, increasing the dosage of the drug more and more each time.

As Kirill himself admitted, his role model is Romario Dos Santos Alves from Brazil. However, the guy himself clearly does not know all the details about the life of his idol.

The story of Santos. On the verge of amputation

Romario Dos Santos always wanted to be like his favorite superhero – Hulk, but even more he dreamed of becoming a professional bodybuilder. At first, the young man trained in the gym to achieve his dream. However, later he decided to resort to radical measures and started injecting syntol into his muscles. As a result, his arm was almost amputated, and many people began to call him a monster. Romario is a religious man, he often went to church. One day a woman approached him. She confessed that her 12-year-old daughter didn’t want to go to church because she was afraid of him and thought he was a monster. These words had an effect on him, but another incident helped him get completely off the drug.

Romario was in constant pain because of the injections, in addition to that he felt bad because of the criticism of those around him. He lost his job, became depressed and even almost committed suicide. To top it all off, Romario learned that he could lose his arm due to regular use of the drug. The doctors told him they would have to do it.

My wife was crying, the situation was hopeless. I packed my things and left the house at five in the morning to go to the hospital for hospitalization. The doctors performed the necessary procedures. After a CT scan, one of them said that with the current situation, there was no longer a need for amputation.

Watch the full video on Barcroft TV.

Romario has stopped using synthol. Only once after the incident did he decide to try another muscle-enhancing drug, but he stopped in time:

When I pressed the syringe and realized there was no blood, I froze. I started to remember what had happened to me. I said to myself: no, I will not do it again, I will not be tempted again.

Moreover, Romario admits that the use of the substance is addictive.

Anyone who has tried injections once will do it again.

Now Romario still dreams of a career as a bodybuilder, but admits that he is still far from realizing his dream, as the synthol has had a negative impact on his health. Romario was able to give up synthol and since 2013 he stopped using the drug. He realized that it is not necessary to use drugs to achieve his dreams. However, Kirill Tereshin probably does not know about this. Recently, the young man admitted that he almost pumped his arms to the size he needs, and on the turn of the shoulders, legs and even eyes.

Watch the video on Kirill Teryoshin’s official YouTube channel.

Undoubtedly, he should think about what he is doing to his body, what damage he is doing to his health and give up injections like his idol before it’s too late. Syntol is a dangerous substance that not only won’t make you a true athlete, but will probably ruin your health forever.

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