How to relieve nervous tension and fight stress. The psychologist named 5 exercises

What works for unrealized aggression will not work for depression. And relaxation, which seems to be the obvious solution for anxiety, can only make the situation worse. Of course, there are universal solutions, but even here is not without additional adjustments.

The general recommendation is to realize in time that stress is off the charts, and accurately determine the type of breakdown if it has already occurred. How to do it?

Masha Moss

psychologist, CPT method, works with anxious and depressed clients

There is a scale that divides stress into positive and negative. The first is eustress. It mobilizes our resources, helps us to fight difficulties. Accumulating, the state turns into another form – distress. It affects the body destructively.

One of the signs of distress is irritability. Any trifle can throw you out of balance. Another indicator is persistent fatigue. A trifle can be terribly annoying, but there is no strength to eliminate it.

The main task – to keep stress in a positive form. To do this, first of all, you need to build awareness. Learn to feel yourself. Secondly, it is important to have tools to unload the system. One of them is the possibility of bodywork.

Masha Moss: Let’s imagine that an unpleasant situation has occurred. The body sends signals, certain emotions arise. If we don’t realize all this, they grow into states. For example, at first a slight anxiety, and then – increased anxiety. If nothing is done here, it is not far to depression. And don’t forget about psychosomatics. Emotions and the body are strongly linked.

What’s the big deal? Well, we did not express some emotion… But by doing it constantly, we lead the body to systemic disorders – at the level of psyche and physics. But the good news is that you can influence the other with the help of one. It’s just a matter of figuring out how to synchronize the mechanisms.

Masha Moss: The accumulated tension is usually an unrealized defense strategy. We have only three scenarios: hit, run, freeze. In each case, the consequence can be anxiety. But success in working through it will depend on what the body has been preparing for, but has not realized.

If “hit/run,” it is logical to advise the person to run. If “freeze”, the organism will simply not have the resource for such a workout. Therefore, the type of activity should be chosen subtly. Everyone has global settings and nuances.


Yoga is one of the universal ways to relieve tension. The mechanism on which neuromuscular relaxation techniques are built works here.

Tension is a frozen state of alertness. When we consciously tense a muscle (direct our attention), then it relaxes more easily. In this way, the “combat readiness” dissolves.

Of course, yoga has different directions and mechanisms. Here you need to choose individually. For example, relaxation techniques – meditation, breathing – in certain states require additional manipulations.

Masha Moss: Surprisingly, relaxation is usually not liked by anxious people. The fact is that their body is in constant tension. It’s important to release it – start with something more active. After that, you can move on to relaxation.

If the situation is different – energy is at zero – it is important for a person to replenish the resource. Here you need to start with relaxation.

Walking helps you relax

Walking helps to relax


The practice of shinrin-yoku – so-called “forest bathing” – is popular today. It is about meditative walks in which we turn on awareness and all the senses. It is both walking and meditation. In this format, walking is good for working through depression. It involves diving inward and dwelling on negativity. Contemplating and experiencing nature is an opportunity to switch gears. To realize that life goes on.

If there is tension due to accumulated energy, it is better to take a more dynamic option – Nordic walking. Here both legs and arms are actively working. There is an opportunity to realize muscle tension. Energy is released. Muscles relax.

Did you know what shinrin-yoku is? The art of walking in the woods helps fight anxiety, read about how it works at this link.

Group sports

Soccer, volleyball, water polo are all good options for those who have tension due to an inability to connect with others. Also, active movement helps to connect the body.

Masha Moss: Wife, boss, foreman – all are not good people. So often thinks a person who does not know how to work in a team. He overestimates himself and underestimates others. Plus he doesn’t trust anyone. Tension also grows due to the fact that a lot is taken on himself. But the main thing is the inability to voice some of the people involved in the case. You get a lump of tension. It naturally dissolves when a person learns to interact.


Through dance you can live a variety of emotions. It’s like art therapy. There is a certain release that takes place. Types of dancing should also be chosen based on the condition.

Masha Moss: If there is repressed aggression, it is better to choose something with sharp movements. With increased shyness, inability to express sexuality will suit feminine styles. Here are ideal strip-plastic and pylon. But you can choose and something less straightforward. For example, couple dances like salsa.

We’ve collected 17 quotes that will inspire you to take up dancing. Check them out at this link.
Dance helps with stress management

Dance helps with stress

Intuitive movement

You can go off the beaten path and find something completely your own. Figure out exactly what movement your body needs right now. This is the kind of thing that dance-movement therapy involves. No specific instructions are given here. You have to follow your inner feelings.

Masha Moss: We feel where something is tight. We realize that we need to pull here. And here – tense. It’s an individual approach, but you have to be careful with it. You can overtighten or overstretch something. It is still better to have a guiding instructor nearby.

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