How to survive the New Year’s Eve deadline without losing your mind: How to survive the New Year’s Eve deadline

Burning plans, annual reports, started but never finished household chores… December is usually stressful and sets a frantic pace. It is impossible to do everything at once. What to do? Learn to distribute the load, turn off the perfectionist and think more about yourself.

Do it all

You need to close KPIs on projects, prepare annual reports for clients and a pool of materials for the holidays. And then there are gifts, corporate parties…

Inna Anisimova

CEO of PR Partner communications agency

To manage everything, you need time management. In the pre-New Year’s weeks, when the level of multitasking increases, it should become especially tough. But there are other things to keep in mind as well.

Proper planning, self-discipline and teamwork can help you cope with the increased workload. When there are a lot of cases, they need to be prioritized. In the first place it is worth dealing with urgent and important tasks. Next will go those that are easier, or do not have deadlines.

Psychologists also advise not to dramatize the situation. Assess the scale of disasters and try to create a comfortable environment for work. Don’t forget about your physical condition. Eating, sleeping and walking should definitely be in your routine.

Stay on track

The closer the deadline for projects gets, the more anxiety we feel. In order to conserve energy and at the same time complete tasks on time, it is important to soberly assess your state of mind in the current situation.

Alyona Nizhneva

Try to describe the results you have already achieved without trying to devalue or exaggerate them. Make a plan and move towards your goal with a sober head. What steps will help you?

1. Visualize the plans

You can draw a timeline of project completion, labeling yourself on a specific division of the timeline. Then try to map out the next steps. Consistently accomplishing tasks will keep you on track toward project completion.

2. Maintain a regimen

Don’t neglect rest to restore nerve cells. You need at least seven to eight hours a night for adequate sleep. It is equally important to observe the nutritional regimen. It is desirable to eat three times a day saturated with proteins, fats and carbohydrates food. This directly affects the well-being and health.

3. Take breaks from work

You can use the Pomodoro method. This is an opportunity to break up your time by dividing labor and rest. It implies that you work for 25 minutes of concentrated work and then take a five-minute break afterward.

4. Keep it unidirectional

It is important to do one thing at a time. Don’t spread out over several projects at once, especially from different areas. That we can multitask is a myth. Studies have proven that this is not true.

5. Write down anxious thoughts

Talk through or write down your own experiences in a deadline situation. For example, these could be thoughts that you won’t be able to handle the project. Let them come, don’t stop them. This will help you understand what you are feeling at the moment and let go of your fears. It will get easier from here. It’s easier to go towards your goals with a cool head.

6. Find motivation

Try to answer the questions: what are you doing your project for? Why is it important? Realizing your own usefulness and value helps you focus on the project, improve it. You will feel a burst of energy.

7. Create a comfortable environment

Turn off message notifications so you don’t get distracted. If you’re working with music, put on your favorite playlist. A pleasant atmosphere will help lower the heat and boost your mood.

8. Don’t procrastinate

It’s important not to fall into procrastination. Turn off the perfectionist in you, don’t be afraid to make a mistake. Just do it.

Deadlines were, are and will be. The most important thing is health. Your task is not to try to do all the unfinished work and get neurosis, but to finish things on schedule, keeping a normal internal state.

If deadlines are burning and you can’t do anything because of banal laziness, look for instructions on how to fight it here.
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