The inner thigh is one of the most problematic areas for most women. And this is where such important muscles as the large, long, short adductor, crest and thin muscles are located. They are responsible for the movement of the upper leg.
Complexes of exercises help to connect to the work of those muscles that are practically not involved in everyday life. Therefore, during training it is important to pay special attention to the inner surface of the thigh and regularly perform exercises. Without additional load, the skin loses tone, cellulite and flabbiness appear.
Fitness trainer Kirill Toros offers a short but effective workout for this muscle group. It can be performed even at home, and additional equipment is not required.
Lunges to the side
Starting position: squat, back straight, one leg extended to the side.
Number of repetitions: 12.
Number of approaches: 3.
Shift the body weight from the supporting leg to the extended leg, bring the bent leg to the chest, pulling it off the floor. During the exercise, alternate legs so that you can work both legs in one approach.
Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, squat, hands locked in front of your chest.
Number of repetitions: 20.
Number of approaches: 3.
Do three squats, and on the fourth squat do a short jump, lifting your feet off the floor. Pay attention to your knees: when squatting, they should not “go out” beyond the toes.
Jumping in the plank
Starting position: classical plank, arms straightened, feet shoulder-width apart, body flat, gathered in one line, muscles tense.
Number of repetitions: 20.
Number of approaches: 3.
Standing in the plank, bring your legs together and apart in a jump. They should be short and low. Keep your neck parallel to the floor, without lowering your head down or lifting your chin.
Leg swings
Starting position: lying on your side, upper leg raised, heel on the chair.
Number of repetitions: 20.
Number of approaches: 3.
Leaning the upper leg on the chair, lift the lower leg up, as if crossing them. Make sure that your legs are extended, do not bend your knees.
Such a simple home workout will help to tighten your thighs and make your legs more relief. Do not forget that before you start training you should perform a warm-up, and after – a warm-up, for example, in the form of stretching. However, it is worth remembering that only training will not solve the problem. For visible results, you need a comprehensive approach: proper nutrition, an active lifestyle and a healthy approach to your own body.