5 effective exercises for beautiful abs

5 effective exercises for beautiful abs

Egor Khodyrev

How to pump your abs properly

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If you want to possess “cubes”, you need to observe only two conditions.

Relief abs are the dream of many men and women. Athletes are ready to spend days in the gym to get the long-awaited “cubes”. But everything must be approached wisely. A beautiful figure is often not about how many approaches you made, but about the quality of the exercise.

The abs are the rectus abdominis muscle, which is responsible for the formation of posture and protection of internal organs.

Egor Fukalov

fitness trainer

Shares the best exercises for abs and shows you how to do them correctly.

Condition #1. Correct technique

The first condition for your abs to be strong and beautiful is the correct technique of exercises. Many beginners and even experienced athletes pump abs incorrectly. The most common mistakes in technique can be seen in torso lifts on the floor and leg raises while hanging on the bar. After a series of approaches with incorrect technique, you may get lower back pain.

Improper technique of torso or leg raises causes bending in the hip joint, where the iliopsoas muscles, not the abs, take the main load.

People who work in an office suffer the most: these muscles are strained for eight hours due to the sitting position. If you add to this the abs exercises that are done incorrectly, you increase the risk of lower back problems.

Condition #2. Calorie deficit

The second condition for beautiful abs is a calorie deficit. Your goal is to spend more than you eat. For example, your calorie allowance per day is 2500. To get the desired cubes, you should consume 15% less from your norm.

Top 5 abs exercises

  1. Curls.
  2. Twists with legs raised.
  3. Hanging leg raises.
  4. Side twists.
  5. Side twists with legs raised.

If you do the exercises correctly and do not overdo it with food, the first results will appear in a couple of months.

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