7 signs that the date went well and you can expect the relationship to continue

Olga Romaniv


“If you first meet with a person on whom you want to make a good impression, then here is not without worries: what if everything goes wrong? But there are a number of bright indicators that let you know: everything is more than successful.”

Sign #1. Ease and ease

The conversation flows smoothly, without tension or pauses. You do not have to specially think up topics for discussion or ask “control” questions to keep the dialog. You both feel like you’ve known each other for a long time. This is probably the most important sign that things are going according to plan. It shows that mutual understanding and the very “chemistry” that is so often written about in books about love are already emerging between you.

Sign #2. Attention and interest

The second obvious sign of a perfectly formed date is the feeling that your interlocutor really listens to you attentively and shows a sincere interest in your words. He maintains eye contact, asks clarifying questions, demonstrates involvement in the conversation.

This means that the person is not just mechanically responding to your remarks, but really wants to get to know you better. He tries to understand your thoughts, feelings and experiences. This is a great sign that your vis-a-vis is making efforts to establish close emotional contact.

Sign #3. Mutuality and synchronicity

The third sign of a successful date is the feeling of reciprocity and synchronicity in your actions and emotional reactions. You, like dancers, feel the rhythm and pace of each other, your movements, looks and gestures are harmoniously intertwined.

For example, if one of you begins to tell something with enthusiasm, the other instantly “picks up” this energy and continues the topic. Or if one of you starts laughing, the other immediately joins in the fun. It’s as if you’re on the same wavelength, your reactions are synchronized, creating a feeling of perfect compatibility. This is a sign that you are truly “in resonance”.

Sign #4: Physical proximity and tactility

Of course, we’re not talking about any overt bodily contact at the first meeting. But small gestures that demonstrate mutual comfort and attraction are a good indicator.

These can be fleeting touches, light touches of the hand or knees during a conversation, friendly hugs when meeting or saying goodbye. It is important that these manifestations of physical intimacy look natural and organic, not forced or compulsive.

Such tactile manifestations indicate mutual attraction and desire to establish closer contact.

Sign #5. Openness and sincerity

You both feel comfortable and trusting enough to share personal stories, reflections, and experiences.

You’re not afraid to show vulnerability, to talk about your hopes, dreams, fears, and failures. At the same time, you do not just unload a stream of information on your interlocutor, but really enter into a deep and meaningful dialog.

Such frankness and trustworthiness is a great sign that you create a solid foundation for further development of the relationship. You both feel comfortable enough to take off your masks and share the truly important things.

Sign #6. Feeling “lost in time.”

The sixth clear marker of a successful date is the feeling that time flies by. You are so engrossed in communication that you almost do not notice how quickly the minutes and hours fly by. You feel like you’ve just sat down at the table and it’s already time to leave.

This happens when you are completely absorbed in what is happening, focused on each other and pay no attention to anything else. You are so immersed in the conversation that you lose track of time.

Sign #7. The desire to prolong the meeting

And perhaps the most compelling sign of a successful date is your shared desire to prolong the encounter as long as possible. You might even be a little upset that the date is coming to an end and start mentally thinking of ways to make it last longer.

Both of you will likely be actively looking for reasons not to break up. Offer to continue talking over a cup of coffee or a cocktail, invite each other out for dinner or a walk.

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