A discount for a miniskirt and being overweight. 5 scandalous restaurants with immoral promotions

We live in an age of competition, when supply exceeds demand. That’s why establishments come up with various promotions to fuel interest in themselves and to be always on the lookout. But how “healthy” are such marketing activities and can they harm a person?

The modern world is full of stories that can cripple the psyche. And only our mental state determines how we react to this or that situation. Here are five restaurants, whose stocks cross the line of reasonableness.

Yulia Hadartseva

psychologist, author of the book “About Money”.

Such ventures can be harmful to the psyche. But here still very much depends on the nature of the action.

Discount for thinness

Chinese restaurateur from Jinan Zhao Lang feeds for free thin customers who squeeze through the narrow bars at the entrance. The size of the discount depends on the gap through which the guest manages to crawl. The narrowest gap of 15 centimeters offers free food and drinks throughout the evening.

Visitors who squeeze through the 18-25 cm wide gap between the bars get a beer as a bonus. And those who managed to pass through the widest passage of 30 centimeters, are satisfied only with advice from the owner of the institution about the need to watch their weight. And here it is not quite clear whether the owner supports fatshaming or promotes a healthy lifestyle?

In an attempt to lose excess weight, people throw themselves into all sorts of efforts, but often do not get visible results and get depressed. The link below tells you how to distinguish your own desire for slimness from the imposed standards.

Julia: Slimness is good in moderation. If we talk about people who do not watch their diet and lead a not very healthy lifestyle, such a discount can motivate them to make positive changes. On the other hand, there are people with eating disorders, and in this case, targeting thinness will not lead to anything good.

Overweight Discount

The Heart Attack Grill, a restaurant in Arizona, has a weight-based discount system. The owner of this establishment, unlike the Chinese restaurateur, on the contrary, advocates the right to feel comfortable in one’s body at any appearance. In the “body-positive” burger house, a discount of 100% is offered to everyone who weighs at least 160 kg. It is noteworthy that the founder of the restaurant, John Basso, is also a nutritionist and owner of a network of fitness centers.

Julia: Discounting excess weight is categorically not the norm in terms of both physical and mental health. People who are overweight (by medical terms) cannot be healthy a priori. Fullness that turns into obesity can be fatal. Therefore, a discount with the orientation on the weight of 160 kg and even more will definitely not lead to anything good. On the moral and ethical side, such actions do not stimulate visitors to improve the quality of life. They do not motivate to look after themselves and develop.

Bonus for a short skirt

Another very controversial action was organized by the owners of the Chinese restaurant Yang Jia Hot Pot. Visitors of the institution can get a bonus for open legs. The size of the discount directly depends on the length of the skirt, which is measured at the entrance by specially hired people with a ruler. If the height from the knee to the edge of the skirt is 8 cm, a 20% discount, and if 33 cm – a discount of 90%.

Julia: You can have different attitudes towards this kind of action. Sexual energy in its healthy manifestation in one way or another flows into a creative upsurge. A discount for a short skirt is not harmful to health and in no way provokes degradation. Therefore, from the point of view of psychology, such action can be treated more calmly than bonuses for excess weight.

Despite the fact that the restaurant was accused of sexism, in terms of physiology and health, it does not lead to anything terrible, says the psychologist. It is only worth remembering how many beach restaurants we have, which can be freely visited in swimsuits.

Free lunch for perfect appearance

South Korean restaurant “Chujou” offers a free meal to the most beautiful visitors. Appearance is evaluated by a whole team of plastic surgeons.

Psychologists believe that there is no need to strive to be perfect. How to learn to accept yourself, told in the previous material.

Julia: Globally, such actions lower self-esteem. When you are denied a bonus because you are allegedly not cute enough, it can significantly affect the psyche. Therefore, I would not promote such discounts. After all, every visitor who passes such a feiscontrol, checks the self-confidence in yourself for strength.

Although, perhaps such an action was designed to raise the self-esteem of visitors – in case all visitors would be recognized as beautiful and a discount was given to everyone. Then, of course, such marketing activity is quite acceptable and even welcome.

Lifetime supply of burgers for tattoos

Australian burger Burger love offers an unusual bonus for a drawing on the body with the logo of their institution. Those who dare to get a life-size tattoo of any dish from the cafe’s menu will receive a lifetime supply of burgers. If you think that hardly anyone will get a tattoo solely for the sake of a discount, you’re wrong. There were quite a few people willing to memorialize their love of fast food.

It is clear that there is a huge number of people in the world with tattoos and such actions are addressed to them. Therefore, perhaps, of all the presented this one is the most “harmless”.

How dangerous such campaigns can be

Such campaigns can be harmful to the psyche. But, on the other hand, anything can also affect it destructively – if a person’s condition is unstable. A lot depends on the nature of the campaign.

Julia: It is more correct to encourage people for the right way of life, for the right diet, and not the other way around. Hence the recommendation to business owners: focus on motivational activities that can bring your customers to a new level, and not harm their health or provoke aggression.

Every retail chain should remember that it has a social responsibility within its city, country, and maybe even the whole world. Therefore, motivating and rewarding people for overeating, alcoholism, violating personal boundaries – their own or others’ – is socially wrong and can seriously affect the mental and physical state of specific people.

Julia: Ideally, we should always realize that every action we take leads to certain consequences. Especially if we are talking about corporations or companies that have an impact on society and each individual.

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