Detailed calculation: how many calories are burned during daily exercise

Detailed calculation: how many calories are burned during daily exercise

Alina Torishnaya

Alina Torishnaya

How many calories are burned without exercise

Many people do not even think about how much energy they spend every day, even without training.

Many believe that you can burn calories only in the gym or during workouts. However, this is a misconception. In fact, the body expends energy constantly – during the day, we usually do not even notice it.

However, depending on the type of activity, the number of calories spent can vary. For example, for 10 minutes in the shower you can spend about 40 kcal, to do makeup, will take almost 60 kcal. And going to work during rush hour in the subway will help you get rid of 70-120 kcal.

We suggest you take the test and try to guess how many calories you spend while performing common everyday tasks.

Of course, even a few hours of reading a day can not replace a full-fledged workout. But a thorough general cleaning of the apartment can compensate for missed cardio.

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