Doctor names 7 signs of iodine deficiency in the body

Today, people are so addicted to taking iodine supplements on their own that iodine deficiency is much easier to detect than iodine deficiency. What is iodine needed for and what symptoms indicate its deficiency?

Olga Terpugova

MD, PhD, endocrinologist, clinical nutritionist, clinical biochemist

It is extremely dangerous to prescribe a course of supplements without a doctor’s prescription.

Olga: We get iodine from outside: from food, water, air. When it is lacking or comes in excess, the thyroid gland malfunctions. These are the symptoms you should recognize before you run to drink the course. Moreover, with an accuracy of even 50%, none of the symptoms will not tell you that you have exactly iodine deficiency. After all, the lack of almost all microelements leads to similar symptoms: fatigue, brittle hair and nails. The condition of the latter can also indicate other health problems. Read more in the article at the link.

How to realize that you have iodine deficiency

With iodine deficiency, the central nervous system is mainly affected. And in children, the lack of the trace element affects physical development.

In adults, iodine deficiency is manifested by a variety of conditions:

  • allergies;
  • brain fog;
  • dry skin;
  • fatigue;
  • weight gain;
  • blood pressure problems;
  • hearing problems.

How thyroid and iodine deficiency are related

Disturbances in the thyroid gland can speak of both a deficiency and an excess of iodine (and other trace elements).

In such cases, it is worth paying attention to these symptoms:

  • gaining weight;
  • freezing in warm weather and sweating badly in hot weather;
  • easily irritable or moody;
  • experience puffiness, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails;
  • experiencing unusual weakness and decreased efficiency;
  • you do not sleep well at night and constantly want to sleep during the day;
  • experience frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • suffer from poor memory and decreased concentration;
  • experiencing strange pains in the heart and palpitations.

Olga: As you can see, thyroid problems are often disguised as diseases of other organs. And this is not accidental. The fact is that it is almost impossible to find an organ or system in the body, in the regulation of which would not be involved in the thyroid gland. Therefore, the echoes of its ill health are manifested by failures in the work of various parts of the body.

This organ plays an important role in many processes important for the normal functioning of the body.

Olga: Hormones produced by the thyroid gland, stimulate metabolism, regulate heart activity and blood pressure, support the digestive system, ensure the activity of thought processes. Without a healthy thyroid gland is impossible normal growth and development of the child from the first days of life. In addition, the organ plays an important role in maintaining immunity. Its hormones stimulate the cells with which the body fights infection.

In addition, the thyroid gland plays not the least role in weight loss. Read more about it in the article at the link.

Olga: Unfortunately, thyroid diseases are extremely common in modern conditions. The reasons for this lie in the unfavorable environmental situation, in the chronic psycho-emotional overstrain experienced by people of all ages and occupations, as well as in the insufficient supply of soil and water with essential trace elements.

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