How do “owls” and “larks” effectively organize the day according to their biorhythms?

Kira Feklisova

A life of pleasure begins when we stop torturing ourselves and our bodies, when sleep, sports and food are present, but without torture and other harsh measures. But many people are so used to living in rigid frameworks or according to the principle of “must”, “should”, that they have forgotten to hear the voice of their body and their biorhythms.

People are divided into two chronotypes: “owls” and “larks”. This term appeared thanks to the Soviet physiologist Alexei Ukhtomsky. Fully formed the theory of chronotypes in the 1970s, when it was experimentally proven that such individual characteristics do exist.

“Larks” easily get up in the morning, maximally active in the first half of the day, and after lunch they have a slump, and they go to bed early.

“Owls” wake up no earlier than a couple hours before noon, all day long they are in a sleepy state. The peak of their activity falls on the evening and night time, they go to bed far past midnight. In adulthood, “owls” are considered healthier and more psychologically stable than “larks”.

The influence of genes on whether a person becomes an owl or a lark is only 54%. Other factors, primarily social, are responsible for the other 46%. That is, if a person by all means needs to get up early, then even three times “owl” will get up before dawn.

Chronotype during life can change depending on lifestyle and changes in the activity of the central nervous system. As a rule, young children are early birds, teenagers and young adults gravitate to the “owl” way of life, and in old age people return to the category of “larks”.

The conditions of life, interests, needs and goals of a person influence his or her belonging to one or another type. We adjust our lifestyle and sleep-wake schedule to them.

Are you an owl, a lark or a dove? The “Championship” test will help to determine.

This was confirmed by a study of Russian scientists who analyzed the lifestyle and daily routine of people who are on vacation or on weekends, free from the pressure of external circumstances that force you to wake up early or lie down late.

The results showed that: among 20-29-year-olds – “owls” almost half, at the age of 30 to 49 – 20%, and in the age group after 50 years “owls” were observed very few.

In order for the day to pass harmoniously, “owls” and “larks” should coordinate with their biorhythms not only lifestyle, the time of rising and going to bed, but also the planning of important affairs, sports and diet. This is the key to mental and physical health at any age.

Nutrition in terms of biology

“Owls”, as a rule, do not eat breakfast until 11 o’clock in the afternoon, but in the evening they will not fall asleep without a tidbit. If you do not want to eat in the morning, do not torture yourself. But drink warm water is desirable, it will help you wake up. Cold drink, on the contrary, retards awakening, and hot is perceived by the body as stress.

Breakfast should not contain proteins. Sour-milk products (yogurt, for example), granola, toast with jam or jam are useful. A cup of natural coffee (not instant, but ground) will wake up finally.

The second breakfast is a full meal rich in calories. It can be boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, a grain dish or porridge.

Lunch. By 15-16 hours comes the peak of the digestive system of the “owl”, it needs protein supplementation. This can be fish or meat dishes.

Afternoon snack. 18-19 hours – time for an afternoon snack. Dried fruits and green tea are useful.

Dinner. At 21-22 hours, one third of the daily calorie allowance should fall to his share. Suitable proteins that are easily digested: fish, seafood, cheese, nuts.

“Larks” in the morning eat with appetite and easily withstand the recommendation not to eat after six, because they already want to sleep and do not think about food.

Breakfast. Occurs half an hour or an hour after waking up, it should be caloric and full.

For the “lark” will be suitable omelet, cottage cheese, milk porridge, sandwiches with sausage and cheese. Protein food is desirable to supplement vitamin salads with tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, greens and other vegetables.

Second breakfast. Can consist of carbohydrates: cereal, granola, bran bread, dried fruit.

Lunch. Usually falls at 13-14 hours of the day and the caloric content should not be inferior to breakfast. During this period of time, the digestive system of “larks” is most active.

Suitable soups, meat and fish dishes combined with potatoes, pasta and other side dishes. Of drinks – a cup of strong black tea stimulates afternoon performance.

Dinner. Recommended from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Given the early departure to bed, it is recommended to add carbohydrate products to the menu: granola with dried fruit and honey, porridge, light sandwiches, bananas, chocolate with green tea.


Most “larks” intellectual activity has two peaks: the first begins at eight or nine and ends at 14 hours. This is the most productive time of the day. It accounts for the bulk of work processes. The second peak refers to the afternoon: from 16 hours to 18.

The “owls” intellectual activity has three peaks: the first at 13-14 hours, the second at 18-20 hours, the third – from 11 pm to 1 am. And the most productive are the evening periods, in accordance with this and you need to build your working day.


“Larks” are more suitable for morning physical activity, they are happy to do morning exercises and jogging.

Carry out these workouts should be on an empty stomach, supported only by sweet cocoa or eating a little chocolate. The main breakfast can be consumed after.

In the evening, overloading “larks” is not recommended, since the activity of most body systems is reduced, it can prevent a restful sleep. For this time is suitable for walking, swimming, not a quick bike ride.

At the link read the story of the heroine, who normalized the sleep regime for a month and began to go to bed before 22:00 every day.

“Owls” are recommended to go to the gym after lunch. The physical load is of a different nature, it increases gradually, starting at 14:00, reaches the maximum degree by 19:00 and then by 21:00 decreases.

Business meetings and decision-making

“Larks” is best to organize meetings at business breakfasts, and make decisions on a fresh morning head. The morning is wiser in the evening – this is just about the “larks”.

“Owls”, on the contrary, it is better to refuse morning meetings, signing important documents and long trips. The brain has not yet begun to work in full force, it is possible to make major mistakes and get into accidents. For them, it is better to postpone decision-making in the evening and at night.

If the “lark” and “owl” will be a common meeting, it is better to schedule it for the daytime. When the “lark” is still active, and the “owl” has already finally awakened. A business lunch is an ideal solution for a joint meeting of two chronotypes.

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