How to test how physically strong you are. Take the test and find out

How to test how physically strong you are. Take the test and find out

Egor Khodyrev

How to test how physically strong you are

It won’t take more than five minutes.

Egor Khodyrev

fitness trainer

How can you test your physical strength? What kind of exercises to do?

To check what condition your body is in is very easy. It is enough to perform a small test of a few exercises. About what this test is, we will now tell you.

Cooper’s test for strength endurance

In 1968, American doctor Kenneth Cooper developed several tests for physical fitness of the body, including for the military. We will give one of them as an example.

The test consists of a set of exercises that will give a serious load on the cardiovascular system and make the muscles, ligaments and joints work hard. The goal is to accomplish this complex in a short period of time. Cooper himself recommended caution with this test for people over the age of 35 with a low level of physical activity or those who have health problems.

Important: Before taking Cooper’s test, do a light warm-up for 5-10 minutes to warm up your joints and muscles. This will protect you from injury and show more reliable results.

What to do

  • 10 push-ups. Once done, stay in a lying rest and immediately move on to the second exercise.
  • 10 jumping jacks from a lying position to a squatting position. After performing them, roll over on your back and go straight to the third exercise.
  • 10 twists on the abs “Book”. It is important to lift your legs and torso at the same time. After that, quickly stand up and move on to the next exercise.
  • 10 lunges with changing legs in a jump. Jump up and change legs with your knee touching the ground.

You need to do four of these laps to pass the Cooper test. For detailed exercises, see the video.

Test results

More than 5 minutes – a weak level of strength endurance. It is necessary to adjust your lifestyle and increase the level of physical activity. It is not necessary to go to very active training yet. Start with walking 7-10 thousand steps a day.

4-5 minutes is a satisfactory level of strength endurance. Your level is not critically low, but there is something to strive for. You can add a couple workouts a week to increase your overall fitness level.

3-4 minutes – good level of strength endurance. You have a decent level of fitness. It is recommended that you try different types of workouts. For example, swimming, running, biking, strength training, stretching.

3 minutes or less is a high level of strength endurance. Congratulations, you have an athletic level. You can work on shaping your body aesthetics and think about participating in easy city competitions in a variety of sports.

Take the Cooper test to determine your level of strength endurance. You may have to make adjustments in your lifestyle or, on the contrary, the result will pleasantly surprise you and inspire you to new achievements. Also use the GTO standards as standards and assess your level of physical fitness. In training, focus on increasing the general level of physical development and only then think about the aesthetics of the figure and low percentage of fat.

If you want to test the strength of your arms, try doing some street exercises. Look for them in this article.

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