President of the Association of Nutritionists and Health Coaches (ANKZ)
What foods can help fill a zinc deficiency in the body?
Almost 20% of the world’s population is prone to zinc deficiency. Lack of this element can lead to disorders of internal organs, deterioration of hair, nails and skin. Replenish the content of zinc will help a complete and balanced diet.
The body assimilates about half of the amount of zinc that is in the product. Try to eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables rich in the element as possible, as the culinary processing of plant foods, including the grinding of cereals, leads to a loss of 50-80% of zinc.
We tell you what five products should be added to the diet to make up for the lack of the trace element.
These are general recommendations, which may not suit some people. When compiling a diet, take into account your individual characteristics: allergies, intolerance to certain types of products, etc.
Pumpkin seeds
Raw seeds have a huge amount of zinc (about 10 mg per 100 g) – this is about 70% of the daily norm. Pumpkin seeds are a source of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
An adult can eat 30 g per day. Add them to cooked dishes or use them as a snack.
A chicken egg, specifically the yolk, contains 3 mg of zinc per 100 g – that’s 26% of the daily allowance for an adult. Eggs also have calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and other nutrients. In addition, it is an excellent source of easily digestible protein.
It is recommended to eat no more than two eggs a day. Whether you can eat them every day, read in the article on the newsletter.
In 100 g of oysters – from 70 to 80 mg of zinc, five times the daily norm of this element. Oysters support the functioning of the thyroid gland and the immune system. In addition, the zinc we get from seafood improves the health of the retina, protects the eyes from infections and parasites.
Sesame contains vitamins, amino acids, proteins and, of course, zinc. In 100 g – approximately 7.5 mg of zinc. The seeds help to recover from illness, strengthen the nervous system and prevent heart disease.
Sesame can be eaten every day, adding a little bit to ready-made dishes: salads, soups, bowls.
Poppy contains zinc, which takes part in the reproduction of white blood cells, strengthens the defense response to the introduction of bacteria, viruses and other foreign elements. Mac has anesthetic property, and due to the content of potassium in the seeds reduces the tension of blood vessels, helps to reduce blood pressure, prevent the formation of blood clots. By the way, what are the dangers of blood clots and how to avoid their appearance, told in the material at the link.