Nutriciologist named the 4 most harmful snacks on the New Year’s table. What to replace them with?

New Year’s holidays are a great excuse to meet with friends and visit relatives. At this time, every hostess sets a rich table with olivier salad, cuts of meat, French-style meat, and appetizers.

Nata Gonchar

President of the Association of Nutritionists and Health Coaches (ANKZ)

The New Year’s Eve feast is a serious challenge to health and slimness. Traditional treats are usually rich in fatty ingredients, laden with mayonnaise, cheese, and desserts contain a lot of sugar, cream and chocolate. I will tell you about the harm of some dishes, which have quite a few “calorie bombs”.


One of the popular appetizers – tartlets with salad and other fillings. This is one of the most calorie and nutritionally unbalanced appetizers.

  • First, store-bought tartlets are most often made with margarine or cooking fat with added sugar, flavorings and colorings.
  • Second, multi-component stuffing consists of fatty deli meats, cheese, cooked vegetables and mayonnaise.

Combining several types of animal protein with fats, pickles and simple carbohydrates disrupts the digestive and enzyme systems. The gastrointestinal tract with great difficulty will be able to digest such an appetizer, and you will experience heaviness and abdominal pain.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, I recommend to avoid this snack and complex salads with mayonnaise dressing.

The mucous membrane of the stomach irritates the significant salt and sugar content in the salad, and high-calorie mayonnaise or sour cream complicate the work and already overloaded in the New Year holidays pancreas and gallbladder.

At the link told how to eat with cholecystitis, and listed products useful for the gallbladder.

Especially careful to consume New Year’s treats should be people with obesity, dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes. I recommend replacing tartlets with fillings with vegetable canapés on skewers with a small amount of cheese and olives.

Caviar sandwiches

Another festive but unhealthy dish. Natural red and black caviar, of course, useful, but excessive use of delicacy can exacerbate a number of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract: pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.

Most often sandwiches are made on the basis of white bread – it is simple carbohydrates, yeast and sugar, and butter – animal fats, on which they spoon on red caviar with plenty of salt. It is not easy for the pancreas and liver to process such combinations with enzymes.

Abuse of sandwiches on New Year’s Eve can cause discomfort in the right side, bitterness in the mouth, headache.

Sandwiches with caviar are not recommended for people with hypertension and cardiovascular disease, because caviar contains a lot of salt. It retains water in the body, disrupts metabolism, provokes edema and high blood pressure.

Sprats sandwiches

Sandwiches with sprats should also not be eaten in large quantities because of the abundance of salt and saturated fat.

I recommend limiting yourself to a couple of such an appetizer from the New Year’s table.

Sausage and meat slices

Sausage and meat canapés are dangerous because they contain a lot of saturated fat, nitrite salt, coloring agents, preservatives, flavor enhancers and low quality meat. Such a treat overloads the digestive tract, provokes digestive malfunctions and edema due to excess salt.

I recommend replacing deli meats with baked or grilled chicken, turkey or beef. For a night feast is ideal fish steaks, they are rich in protein and well digested, without leaving a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Here are the foods to avoid if you suffer from migraine.

Canapes can be made from meat delicacies of your own cooking, adding vegetables, herbs, olives, grain bread.

In order not to gain excess weight during the holidays, try not to overeat and replace harmful products with useful ones:

  • sausage – meat (baked chicken or turkey);
  • mayonnaise – homemade sauces;
  • canapés – vegetables on skewers with shrimp;
  • sweets and cake – fruit, vegan desserts, nuts.

I recommend a traditional feast in the evening – let it be a full dinner with festive dishes. On New Year’s Eve it is better to eat vegetable salads and cuts, fruit, cheese, light snacks.

If you’re going out to visit, take healthy treats with you: raffe desserts, vegan candies, nuts, cheese, fruits and vegetables. You can also bring an unusual salad or a colorful appetizer – they will be a great way to diversify the traditional table with sandwiches and tartlets.

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