Opening the cycling season: 5 things you shouldn’t skimp on

The cycling season has not just started, we can safely say that it is already in full swing! And no matter what your “iron horse” will be for the summer – a city bike from a bike-share, an obscenely expensive road bike or a stylish and impressive mountain bike for cross-country – it’s time to think seriously about what bicycle purchases can make your trips more comfortable and safer. In our selection we’ll talk about cycling hygiene, fashionable overalls, reliable tires and saddle selection.

1. Cycling shorts or a cycling suit: freedom in motion

Almost everyone who gets hooked on a bike sooner or later buys a cycling uniform. Whether you’re training for a triathlon or making cycling a weekend tradition for the whole family, you’re bound to think about comfort during the ride. Whether you’re a professional or an amateur, it’s hard to overestimate the functionality of Lycra padded cycling shorts and a tight-fitting T-shirt made of sweat-wicking material.

Advantages: such clothes are much more pleasant to ride in, they are aerodynamic, do not get wet from sweat, and dry quickly after rain. As a bonus, the brightly colored shape attracts the eye, and the cyclist becomes more visible on the road. Drivers, without noticing it, take equipped bikers more seriously, considering them athletes.

How to pick up: if you do decide to buy cycling clothes, you should pay attention to a number of parameters.

  • Cycling T-shirt. First, pay attention to the thickness of the polyester from which it is made. The uniform should not be sewn from too thin material. In the closet of a professional it is not bad to have a T-shirt with both short sleeves and long sleeves.

Tip: pay attention to the presence of two details – collar and pocket. The pocket will come in handy when traveling long distances, and the collar will protect your neck from burning.

  • Bike shorts. All models of shorts are sewn from Lycra and equipped with a special lining of sweating material. Be sure to pay attention to the seams with which the diaper is stitched, it is in this area that bike shorts most often begin to tear.

Tip: choose shorts that do not have an elastic band on the stomach or shorts with straps. This way you will avoid discomfort when riding in a bent position.

Approximate budget: shorts – from 2000 rubles, T-shirt – from 1500 rubles.

2. helmet: safety first

The most basic and obvious, but at the same time the most important advice: choose a bicycle helmet and ride in it. A helmet is your guarantor of safety. Wear it even on short bike rides to the nearest park.

The advantages: a properly sized helmet does not restrict movement or hinder visibility, but it keeps you safe. Remember that a broken arm or leg will eventually heal, and a bump to the head can have completely unpredictable consequences.

How to choose: there are three main varieties of helmets.

  • Mountain and road bike helmet;
  • A bowler helmet (most commonly used for BMX riding);
  • Full Face helmets (most often used by extreme sportsmen).

We are interested in the first option, because this type of helmet has two obvious advantages: light weight and good ventilation. When choosing, remember that there should be an adjustment on the back of the head that will allow you to fix the helmet as tightly as possible on your head. Check to see if the adjustment is broken and how well it works without leaving the store.

Tip: Remember that if you fall while wearing a helmet and the shell has cracked, you need to replace it with a new one. Since the integrity of the structure is lost, it is completely deprived of its protective properties.

Approximate budget: from 3000 rubles. Be sure to try on the accessory before buying. Properly selected helmet is put on comfortably, strapping does not pinch or rub anywhere.

Tip: if you are ready to spend, then pay attention to recognized brands such as MET, Bell, Giro.

3. Saddle: discomfort is off the table

Let’s assume that you’ve decided to approach the process of riding your bike comfortably as responsibly as possible. Here, of course, we do not take into account triathletes or professional sportsmen, who in pursuit of the perfect saddle are ready to do anything, even to make a “butt mold” and give it to a number of specialists to study (yes, yes, there is such a service in fact).

From an amateur’s point of view, you can safely say that your bike can be whatever you want, but your saddle must be the right one.

Advantages: the right saddle + bike shorts is an opportunity to completely forget about discomfort and start enjoying riding.

How to choose: choosing a saddle is like choosing a good orthopedic mattress for your bed. The ideal saddle should be firm enough, yet slightly springy. And yes, it should definitely not be like a soft, cozy and enveloping chair. After all, you’re not sitting on it, you’re driving on it.

Tip: Arm yourself with a tape measure or ruler and measure the distance between the center lines of the anatomical elevations of the saddle. In an ideal world, this distance should be exactly the same as the distance between your sciatic bones.

Approximate budget: from 3500 rubles.

4. Tires: in charge of speed

Replacing tires is an opportunity to breathe a second life into your bike. This simple and very standard procedure can help you significantly increase your roll and reduce the amount of effort you put in without sacrificing speed.

Advantages: Tread pattern and tire weight are among the most important factors affecting how easy your bike is to ride, and therefore in the long run the speed you can achieve on it.

How to choose: consult a professional at a specialty bike store. Tell them in detail about the terrain you are mainly going to ride on and the demands you have on your bike. For example, if your riding is mostly on asphalt or dirt, your choice of tire would be a “semi-slick” tire. Semi-slicks are tires with a smooth treadmill and gruntozatsepami on the edges.

Approximate budget: from 1000 rubles.

5. Odor neutralizer: on guard of your hygiene

It does not matter whether you have your own helmet or you rent it before a race or a bike ride. It’s more important to think about how much bacteria accumulates on the outside of your helmet. And sooner or later, whatever accumulates on the outside will get inside and end up on your face and head. That’s why it’s so important to keep your outfit hygienic. And we are not even talking about timely washing of bike shorts, but about how to take care of your helmet, bike goggles and the “iron friend” itself.

On the Russian market there are not so many means that will help not only to treat your outfit for bacteria, but also to eliminate unpleasant odor. Not so long ago our scientists have developed an innovative product Helmetex, designed to treat helmets, sports equipment, sports bags, gloves and more.

Interesting fact: Helmetex is the first Russian product that neutralizes unpleasant odor, provides cleanliness and hygiene of your helmet, as well as motorcycle protection and sports equipment.

Advantages: Helmetex’s multi-component composition provides complex hygienic, antibacterial action and eliminates sources of unpleasant odor. The unique composition and complex action of the product has no analogues in the Russian market.

How to use: Helmetex can be applied on any kind of surfaces: fabrics, plastic, foam plastic, leather and artificial leather, etc. All the components that make up Helmetex can be applied on any kind of surface. All components of the product are specially selected for use and direct contact with skin and hair and are absolutely harmless.

Approximate budget: from 350 rubles.

To engage in cycling is becoming more and more affordable, there are a lot of brands on the market that offer athletes high-quality and stylish equipment at a reasonable price. There are only a few things on which we still advise not to save money. Keep them in mind when going for a walk with your family or your first serious competition!

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