Answers professional athletes and coach.
Many people love to swim and think that there is nothing complicated about it. But in fact it is not. As with any other sport, there are risks and common mistakes that can negate the results of training.
Expert trainer of Pride Timiryazevskaya aquatic programs
Training in the water, like any other, should start with a thorough warm-up and warm-down. Swimmers always do intense strokes, arm rotations and jumps before jumping into the water.
Of course, the risk of injury in the pool is minimized, but cramps, on the contrary, occur in water more often than on land. They are much more dangerous during swimming, because in an inexperienced swimmer they can cause panic and further prevent him from reaching the shore. In such a case, it is impossible to get out of the water without help.
Swimming without goggles
Many people neglect goggles and do not understand why they are needed. But swimming without goggles is as uncomfortable as running without sneakers. Of course, you can get used to everything, but why? It never hurts to see where you’re swimming. You won’t be able to swim really technically without goggles, even if you try really hard.
Goggles will help keep your eyes from coming into contact with the water. Remember, pool water is not distilled water, but contains many impurities, including antibacterial ones. They will cause irritation and redness of the eyes.
Incorrect body position
Alexey Divruk
candidate master of sports in swimming, winner and medalist of international competitions
Remember, when a person is lying on the water, the support is not the stomach, but the chest. This is a very important moment, the correctness of the following movements will depend on it.
Swimming with raised head
Michael: Surely you, visiting the pool, have seen many times people who swim leisurely with their heads up. An hour of such swimming will replace a whole working day in a crooked office chair. Already after 20 minutes from the constant tension you will get neck pain, you will start to stop and knead it.
Learn to breathe properly and float in a horizontal position, you will definitely enjoy the process. If you can’t do it yourself, seek help from a professional trainer.
Alicia Rubtsova
master of sports in synchronized swimming
When coming to the pool, try to let go of all your worries and anxieties. All this will affect your emotional state. It should be even or positive so that you can properly relax and enjoy the training process.
Exhaling through the mouth
Michael: Breathing exercises are the foundation of swimming. Learning technique always starts with practicing breathing. Exhaling with your mouth is a serious mistake, you should always exhale through your nose and inhale through your mouth. This prevents water from getting into the nose, which is annoying to everyone.
Push with legs in breaststroke
Mikhail: Breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly have a lot in common in technique and movements, but the breaststroke, aka “frog”, in this regard stands apart. For beginners, this style of swimming is incomprehensible. It is not completely clear what movement you need to do with your toe to get a kick. The position of your toe alone will determine whether you push yourself forward or flounder on the spot. The extended toe is the usual and correct toe position for the first three styles mentioned. But in breaststroke, the toe needs to be pulled over and turned to the side. As simple as it sounds, in practice this is not so easy to do.
Analyze your training on these points. Swimming correctly is not as easy as it sounds. By correcting all your mistakes, you will not only get better results, but you will also enjoy the process.