What happens to the stomach if you drink coffee on an empty stomach? A gastroenterologist named the consequences

Sergey Vyalov

gastroenterologist, hepatologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences.

“On the Web, it is often written that coffee is harmful to the stomach. It is allegedly impossible to drink it on an empty stomach or necessarily need to do something before it: drink water, brush your teeth, add spices to the invigorating drink, use herbal tea or vegetable juice. Which of these is true and which is fiction? Who can and who can not use it on an empty stomach? And what to do to make it possible?”

Is it harmful to drink coffee on an empty stomach?

They say that drinking coffee on an empty stomach is harmful. Why? There are different versions. The most common: the drink increases acidity in the stomach, it begins to digest itself. It is also sometimes written that it causes heartburn and even diabetes, but this is not true.

There is not a single documented case in the world where a person’s stomach has digested itself.

Coffee does increase acidity, but healthy stomachs are not harmed by acid. It produces it all the time. But the stomach has defense factors, and its mucosa regenerates very quickly. To restore the mucosa and eliminate inflammation in the stomach, doctors use drugs from the group of rebagit on the basis of rebamipide. The mucosa regenerates and coffee does not create problems.

A study by British scientists has circulated on the Internet, which revealed that coffee raises blood glucose levels. In doing so, the researchers suggested that the beverage may increase the risk of diabetes, although no studies have confirmed this.

Diabetes develops from obesity, not from coffee.

What can be the consequences

But this drink can really cause heartburn, but only in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease. In a healthy person – hardly, because even if the stomach produces a lot of acid, it does not get into the esophagus because of the sphincter between the two organs: a strong muscle that keeps the lumen closed and opens it only from time to time – for example, during swallowing food.

To restore the tone and motility of the sphincters of the stomach, doctors prescribe drugs from the group of Itomed, which restore normal peristalsis of the esophagus and stomach. Self-application of these drugs is not allowed.

Thus, drinking coffee is not harmful on an empty stomach and on a healthy stomach, but, of course, not on a regular basis. But on an empty and sick stomach to consume an invigorating drink is dangerous.

Who should not drink coffee?

People suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, gastroesophageal reflux (heartburn), any acid-dependent diseases, do not need to drink coffee at all. This drink can aggravate abdominal pain or other problems by increasing the production of hydrochloric acid.

To eliminate the increased production of hydrochloric acid, special drugs are used that “shut off the tap” with acid. In this case, doctors do not prohibit drinking coffee. Just listen to your sensations. If after a cup of the drink you do not feel any problems in the stomach and esophagus, then there really are none.

What should I do before drinking coffee?

Immediately before drinking a cup of coffee, you need to eat, so that the stomach is “satiated”. In this way, foods will neutralize some of the acid. So, for example, porridge will help protect the stomach from the negative effects of foods.

This recommendation is relevant only for those who suffer from stomach pain. Perhaps if you drink coffee on a “satiated” stomach, then the attack of pain will be avoided. But it is even better to refuse this drink at all, until you solve the problem with your doctor.

How to get rid of stomach pains?

To drink coffee every morning on an empty stomach, without suffering from stomach pain, heartburn or other symptoms, it is enough just to cure the stomach. Most of its diseases are curable, and in a short time. We are talking about even those problems, from which people suffer for years, before finally undergoing treatment, and get rid of the disease once and for all.

Depending on what kind of problem there is in the stomach, you need to:

  • restore motility;
  • kill the Helicobacter pylori bacteria;
  • protect the mucosa;
  • repair the mucosa;
  • normalize bile flow;
  • eliminate acid reflux into the esophagus.

The above treatments are prescribed only by a doctor!

Once this is done, stomach problems will disappear. Coffee alone will not be able to provoke new diseases in a healthy stomach. Therefore, it will be possible to drink it whenever you want, without any prior action.

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