What is black-and-white thinking: who is characterized by it, what prevents it and how to get rid of it?

Black and white thinking (sometimes also called polar thinking) is the tendency to see things and events in a completely positive or negative light. No third is given. There is no ability to distinguish between “gray shades”. With this approach, a person tends to categorize everything, to categorize everything as “good/bad”. However, many life situations have nuances. The world around us is not black and white. Every phenomenon and event has a lot of “shades”. How and why learn to distinguish them?

Anna Tajik

analytical psychologist, psychosomatotherapist, coach

Having such a system of worldview can have a number of negative consequences for a person, as it limits the ability to see the world in all its diversity and complexity. When we look only through the prism of two extremes, we miss many opportunities and perspectives. This can lead to poor decisions and mistakes.

Why does thinking become black and white?

1. Negative experiences. Some people may come to black and white thinking because of past failures. These are situations where they have faced injustice, betrayal, and have been traumatized. Black and white thinking helps here, acting as a defense mechanism against negative experiences.

2. The desire for simplicity. Such thinking can be the result of unwillingness to complicate one’s life. A person does not want to “overthink” things. When it is necessary to make a decision, it is faster and easier to do it when you do not distinguish semitones.

3- Lack of experience and knowledge. A person can make black and white decisions and have similar beliefs simply because he lacks information. He doesn’t realize that life is more complex and multifaceted.

4. Low Emotional Intelligence. If we are not versed in our emotions and cannot understand other people, we tend to simplify our perception of the world and those around us.

5. Social Influence. The environment makes a big difference here. First, if a child grows up absorbing black-and-white thinking, then when he grows up, he will possess it (with a high probability). If such a worldview was formed for a different reason, the environment can serve a reinforcing function. When people completely share your point of view, why consider the alternative?

These are some of the most common reasons why people resort to black and white thinking. But of course, we are all unique and everyone needs an individualized approach.

Why is this kind of thinking dangerous?

One common problem is the development of increased criticality and intolerance to other people’s points of view, as well as the perception of other people as “totally bad/good”. This reduces communication skills and creates conflict. The impact extends not only to social contacts with friends and coworkers, but also to loved ones.

Also with black-and-white thinking, there may be difficulties in making ambiguous situations and decisions. A person will tend to look for only good and bad options, ignoring reasonable compromises. We all face difficult days, but they are just one part of the multifaceted cycle of our lives. However, a person with a polar mindset is likely to view them as a catastrophe of universal proportions.

Black and white thinking can make a person more prone to stress and increase his anxiety. After all, he does not realize the complexities and nuances of real life. Everything is perceived in extremes. This directly affects both psychological and physical state.

Another important point is that such a worldview deprives us of the opportunity to learn from mistakes, because they are perceived as an absolute defeat. A person simply cannot analyze information and look at it from all points of view.

Getting rid of such thinking allows us to see the world in all its complexity, to remain open and ready for new ideas. We gain the ability to develop our empathy and understanding of others, and to make more informed and well-informed decisions.

In essence, black and white thinking is a cognitive distortion manifested by the tendency to see the world in categories of absolute good and evil, right and wrong. It is a mechanism for forming and maintaining maladaptive beliefs. This is precisely one of such distortions. Therefore, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapists often work with this problem.

How to fight black-and-white thinking?

So, what kind of requests do clients suffering from such a worldview usually address? That is – how exactly does it ruin people’s lives?

Typical problems:

  • Lack of tolerance and conflicts due to the inability to understand the opposite position;
  • communication difficulties in the workplace;
  • inability to be flexible;
  • ignoring mistakes in one’s behavior because they seem “all bad”;
  • inability to compromise.

So the most important thing here is to learn to think critically, objectively and flexibly. One should try to take into account the positive and negative sides of people and events, to see nuances and details, not to make hasty assessments. This will develop the ability to find solutions, avoid conflict, and reduce stress levels.

Step-by-step plan:

1. Recognize your black and white thinking. Try to look at situations around you from different angles and realize that the world is not always simple and unambiguous.

2. Try to keep an open mind and not jump to conclusions. Remember that most situations can have many causes and consequences and that things are not always so simple.

3. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and seek information. The more information you have, the easier it will be to understand the situation and make informed decisions.

4. Try to learn to see different shades of gray and not to set yourself rigid limits. Life consists of many nuances. The sooner you learn to notice them, the more opportunities will open up before you.

5. Develop your empathy and the ability to understand other people. Black and white thinking is often associated with poorly developed emotional intelligence. Working on this will help you become a more open and tolerant person.

6. Finally, remember that such a worldview is only one of many thought patterns a person may have. Try to diversify your view of the world and don’t be afraid to experiment with new ideas and approaches.

Now you know what black and white thinking is and how it is dangerous. Now, when the impulse arises to put something in unambiguously bad or good, ask yourself clarifying questions. Have you really considered every possible nuance and detail? It may be difficult at first, but remember that the main thing is to realize the problem and want to find solutions. If you make small steps to your goal, the result will definitely be. Your world will become multicolored.

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