What woman is called a milf: 5 signs in appearance and behavior

A few years ago, the slang of social networks was enriched with another interesting word – milf. As it usually happens, users evaluate people by their resemblance to characters from movies, books, and bloggers. The proper names become nouns, and over time, few people remember the etymology of the word or the original source. This is what happened with the now trendy term “milf”.

Who is she? It is about a married woman in her 30s. She has a baggage of life experience, looks after herself and therefore looks good.

As a rule, milfs have children, but, even being burdened with obligations and household chores, they find time for sports, cosmetic procedures, follow the trendy trends in clothing. Therefore, they are of particular interest to the male sex.

There are other criteria by which you can attribute women to this group. Let’s understand.

Jennifer Coolidge as Stifler's mom

Jennifer Coolidge as Stifler’s mom

Where does the word milf come from?

The word milf is an abbreviation of the English letters MILF. The conditional translation can be interpreted as “a mom I’d like to get to know better.” There are even more piquant interpretations of the definition. Users of American websites and social networks were the first to use the jargonism.

The word became known to the general public from the movie “American Pie”. Heroes of the movie milfa called Stifler’s mom. But if you study American comedies in more detail, then for the first time the term still appeared in the 1989 film “The Incredible Adventures of Bill and Ted”.

The slang word is especially popular in the teenage environment. It is at this time, the interest of the grown-up male audience in the female mothers of classmates and classmates is manifested.

On certain thematic sites for adults, there is even an image of a milf. Not only 30 plus women try it on themselves, but also young women in their 20s.

What distinguishes a milf from an ordinary woman?

As mentioned earlier, a milf is a woman in her early 30s who pays a lot of attention to her attractiveness. Hence, confusion can arise. It seems as if all members of the fair sex who look after themselves at this age are considered milfs. This is not the case.

If you dig deeper and study the subtext, you will notice that teenagers call milfs women who deliberately demonstrate their attractive physical forms.

The 5 hallmarks of a milf

1. Appearance

As it follows from the description and memes, milfs often abuse cosmetics: they paint their lips with scarlet lipstick and apply dark shadows on their eyelids. Also, women from this category often resort to surgical interventions, change body parts and face.

2. clothing

Milfs wear tight clothes to maximize the figure: short skirts and dresses with deep necklines.

3. Grooming

Milf women like to visit spas, beauticians, and gyms. They like to take time for themselves to maintain an attractive figure.

4. Behavior

Such women flirt with almost all men, regardless of age. And this often causes bewilderment and embarrassment to the opposite sex. Milfs almost always in a relationship make the first step and dominate.

5. Internal Attitudes

Milfs hold themselves in society confidently and independently. Opinions that go against their beliefs are usually denied and not accepted.

Milfs also try their best to look younger. Some easily succeed, but sometimes the chosen image can go against the inner worldview and look ridiculous.

Over time, the term has been transformed. And now is gradually leaving the negative coloring of the word. Milfoy began to call not only women with certain external data and dressed deliberately provocative. They include girls who do not necessarily have children, but with the status of an experienced, wise lady years. These are women who can confidently hold in society, defending their interests and the desires of others.

Still, the jargonism remains a less than flattering definition. The joke has turned into an offensive swear word. The term is sometimes used purposefully to emphasize a woman’s age and hurt her.

Why do age stereotypes continue to live on in society?

A person’s age does affect how they are perceived in society. There are still situations where the number of years in a passport affects how one will be treated by coworkers, loved ones, and other acquaintances. Someone will condemn for certain actions, and someone will impose a formula of behavior.

 Stanislav Sambursky

Business psychologist, clinical psychologist “Clinic of Dr. Anikina”

“Stereotypes about age are part of social perception. In our society, “labeling” is a habitual and understandable attitude. They form expectations and assumptions about people’s behavior, abilities and roles.”

Various age stereotypes become the basis for ageism – age discrimination. Its influence is especially strong among job seekers who are denied employment because of the number of years they have lived.

The subconscious idea of age is formed on the basis of past experience: what was seen or heard. The human brain is lazy enough to study every member of the species. It is much easier to label a species based on the information it has learned. Upon learning age, the brain tends to categorize the information to simplify the decision-making process.

Mature people are frankly intimidating. The defense element kicks in. People admit to themselves that they do not want to grow old, so they slow down this moment in every possible way. They turn to external influences, do surgeries to look 10-20 years younger. This is often due to social labeling.

To fight stereotypes, it is important to realize their existence and strive to see people as individuals, not just age categories. The whole idea of an inclusive society is that everyone has the opportunity to be valued on their own merits and abilities.

Thus, jokes about a woman’s age can be very damaging to her self-esteem. It is better to leave them for fiction, and in life to recognize that girls are beautiful, regardless of life experience and years lived.

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