Why the lower abdomen protrudes and what to do when even workouts do not help

Why the lower abdomen protrudes and what to do when even workouts do not help

Elena Svetlova

Elena Svetlova

What can cause the lower abdomen to protrude?

In some cases, the problem can be solved only with the help of surgical intervention.

It happens, a slim girl regularly does sports, and everything seems to be in order with nutrition. But there is one “but”, which does not allow her to call her figure ideal – bulging belly.
This is just an example – it can be in different people and for different reasons.

Why such a belly appears and what to do about it, tells Elena Svetlova, a specialist in prenatal training and postpartum recovery, a methodologist of the training school for coaches VP Fitness Consulting and an expert of the International Festival of Health and Sports SN PRO EXPO FORUM.

Why can the abdomen protrude?

The main reasons why the lower abdomen may protrude are several:

  • lordotic type of posture, when the deflection in the lumbar spine is excessive, this leads to spasms in the back muscles and loss of tone of the abdominal abs;
  • prolapse (prolapse) of internal organs, caused in particular by hypotonus (low muscle tone) of the abs;
  • pelvic floor muscle weakness;
  • chronic constipation, strangely enough, arising even in adherents of a healthy diet,
  • can be psychosomatic;
  • diastasis of the abdominal muscles, which is not always obvious (when the distance between the rectus abdominis muscles increases and the abdomen becomes round).

How can you get rid of a bulging belly?

First of all, it is worth determining whether there is organ prolapse and how severe it is. This may require a consultation with a surgeon and an ultrasound of the abdomen. A strong prolapse is not something that can be corrected in a fitness club: trainers do not work with this, it is necessary to consult doctors. Also ultrasound can show and the presence of diastasis. If it is at the first stage, the situation can be corrected without surgical intervention. However, each case is different.

If the overall condition is satisfactory, then removing the bulge and correcting a small diastasis can be done with pelvic floor strengthening, diaphragmatic breathing (deep abdominal breathing), strengthening the transverse abdominal muscles, visceral correction by a specialist and osteopath, posture correction, and myofascial release (MFR).

Pelvic floor muscles

Good pelvic floor muscle tone supports the internal organs from below. Together with an elastic diaphragm, it adequately redistributes intra-abdominal pressure and reduces the load on the anterior abdominal wall and lower abdomen, where protrusion can occur. To strengthen the pelvic floor, you can perform special exercises.

Transverse abdominal muscles

It is also important to keep in tone the transverse muscle, whose task is to support the organs of the abdominal cavity, which gives the effect of a flat belly. I advise you not to practice the popular online “vacuum”, but to learn to tighten only the lower abdomen (from the bottom to the navel), without lifting the thoracic diaphragm and without holding your breath. All balance exercises are also good for engaging the transverse muscle.

MFR and stretching will help relieve spasm in the muscles and fascia of the lower back. After that, you can strengthen the abs to remove hyperlordosis (excessive flexion) and correct posture. However, working “on the abs” in the format of lifting the body or legs (lying down or doing a “corner”) will not have the desired effect. The hip joint bends not so much due to the abs, but due to the deep muscles of the lower back and the anterior surface of the thigh. Over time, they shorten and perpetuate poor posture. It turns out to be a vicious circle.


In addition, it is worth paying attention to the psychosomatics of constipation. Often the effect of abdominal tension, when a person constantly pulls it in (not from bottom to top, but over the entire surface), and problems with intestinal peristalsis occur in people with increased self-control. It’s about the fear of letting go of the situation. Such people, especially women, often face the “excellent student syndrome” and strive for an absolutely perfect body.

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