expert in the field of cultural studies, cultural analyst
An individual with a high personal culture displays such qualities as politeness, tolerance, kindness, honesty, and a sense of tact. He is able to find a common language with people of different nationalities and social groups, can solve conflicts and find compromises.
A cultured person is a person who shows interest and respect for the heritage and traditions of his country and the world as a whole. Also has a broad knowledge in various fields. For example, art, music, literature, architecture, history. Such people are able to evaluate and analyze events, understand their significance and impact on society.
However, there is another very important criterion. First of all, it is a high personal culture. That is, a set of qualities that make a person attractive to others and allow him to interact effectively with others. It is about respect for themselves and others, a sense of responsibility for their actions, the ability to control their emotions and communicate effectively, as well as the desire for self-improvement.
A bit of history
In the XVIII-XIX centuries, modernization imposed new models of behavior. Changes in social life (division into working class and privileged class) were transferred to cultural life. This is how dandyism appeared. It became important to emphasize one’s special status in order to stand out. Dandies didn’t work, what else could they do? They studied fashion and etiquette.
A big role in the development of culture played literature, which experienced in this period its best times. Such a genre as the psychological novel appeared. Books opened up a new aesthetic world. Here people drew models of behavior.
In Russia, instead of the term “culture”, the terms “enlightenment” and “education” were in common usage. This continued until the 1880s.
In the USSR, a large-scale policy of education was carried out. The leader of the world proletariat Vladimir Lenin did not express sympathy for the futurist poets. He did. But he encouraged lectures and the opening of hobby clubs.
In the XX century, due to industrialization, workers moved to the cities, they had to be accustomed to a certain way of life. Novels, theaters, libraries, and exhibitions became a means of disciplining the new people. Unculturedness was ridiculed in satirical magazines and movies. Such entertainment was thought to help reduce stress after a hard day’s work.
A couple of decades later, to be considered a well-mannered member of society, it was no longer enough to read books, look neat and be polite. The new requirement was that these all had to become personality traits. Hence the expression “Soviet intelligentsia”, which is known to many people. Now morality was to be inculcated starting from school.
In the 90s, the Soviet intelligentsia lost its significance. Common moral guidelines disappeared. The state stopped funding educational institutions. The old literature was criticized. A crisis in the form of a sharp decline in the level of education of the population was outlined.
At the beginning of the XXI century, a new concept – “cultural enmity” – appeared in the world. On one side – adherents of conservative values, on the other – people of progressive views. At the same time, enlightenment projects began to appear, which coincided with the heyday of science.
Who should be considered a cultured person today? Such a person is someone who is not only engaged in self-improvement and knows how to communicate eye-to-eye, but also on the Internet. In the era of social networks, it is important to develop critical thinking. Moreover, to classify yourself as a cultured person, you need to be conscious and responsible. I’m talking about interest in ecology and nature conservation. Yes, culture is not only theaters and books.
What other signs can be distinguished? Let’s make a list, so that then it will be easier to decide on the instruction – tips that will allow you to pump your “culture”.
What qualities should be possessed?
1. Knowledge and interest in culture. A cultured person has a broad outlook, is fond of art, music, literature, history. First of all it develops communicative abilities, helps to express feelings and emotions, improves relations with people. It also influences thinking and, as a result, behavior.
2- Tolerance and respect for different cultures. The person we are talking about realizes the importance of honoring the heritage of other peoples. He seeks to understand and accept their traditions, customs and languages.
3. Creativity dan imagination. A cultured person must have creative thinking and the ability to find non-standard solutions – both in ordinary life and at work.
4. ethics and moral principles. He adheres to moral standards in communication with others.
How to become a cultured person?
1. Read books. This is one of the simplest and most effective ways to enrich your outlook. This method has been used at all times. People tend to empathize with heroes. As a result, they learn empathy. Some studies emphasize that after reading classical works, IQ increases. The point is that this increases the number of neural connections in the brain, which means that it becomes easier to maintain a conversation on any topic.
In the process of reading, we come across words that are not used in everyday life. We have to look for their meanings. This both enriches our vocabulary and improves our overall literacy level.
2- Study art. It has always influenced the formation of value orientations and behavior. Visit museums, galleries, theaters, concerts and exhibitions. This pumps up communication skills, teaches you to understand feelings and emotions. You begin to understand other people better.
Cultural events and activities allow you to master the norms of behavior, values. It is not unimportant that there is a development of imagination and intellectual abilities. Important moral qualities are acquired.
3. Travel and immerse yourself in the culture of other countries. Learn foreign languages to better understand other peoples. This will not only give you new emotions, skills and knowledge, but also broaden your horizons. Gaining experiences you haven’t had before promotes the formation of neuron dendrites, which in turn allows the brain to process more data.
4. Foster a love of classical music and opera. It has been proven that when a person listens to this genre, the brain structures that are responsible for creativity and creativity are activated. As a result, there is a positive effect on the immune system. Calm melodies are good for relaxing and soothing.
Some studies claim that Mozart’s works have an effect on mental abilities. And regardless of whether a person likes them or not. It is noted that after five minutes of listening, concentration and attention are significantly increased.
5. Watch the right movie. Complex plots, dialogues and acting form a worldview, expand consciousness. Moreover, attitudes towards all sorts of things change. Movies have a beneficial effect on the psyche. Movies help to understand ourselves, explore cultural and national identity.
6. Communicate with interesting people. Many people know that our environment has a strong influence on us. Thus, interaction with intelligent and erudite people develops a person for the better. In the process of communication, interlocutors exchange knowledge and emotions. This is a psychological resource that helps to become a better person. We learn empathy, compassion and reflection.