A doctor has revealed which protein supplement is best for the body

A doctor has revealed which protein supplement is best for the body

Elena Manowska

Jelena Manowska

A doctor told me which protein supplement is best

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Understanding the benefits of amino acids for humans.

Elena Manowska

Therapist, nutritionist, Coral Club health expert

“Protein performs many essential functions in the human body. It is the basic building material of all cells and tissues, is involved in the transportation and storage of substances, catalysis of biochemical reactions, immune functions, regulation of growth and development, as well as in the maintenance of fluid and acid-alkaline balance”.

Protein is a key element in muscle building and repair. It supplies the body with amino acids used to synthesize new muscle fibers and repair damaged tissue. Consuming sufficient protein is especially important for athletes and trainees, as it helps to grow and maintain muscle mass.

The main components of protein

Protein is made up of amino acids (AMA), which are organic compounds containing an amino group and a carboxyl group. There are 20 different amino acids, of which nine are considered essential because the body cannot synthesize them on its own and must get them from food. The other 11 AMA’s the body is able to produce from other substances.

Ribonucleic acid (RNA) plays a key role in protein synthesis in the body.

There are three main types of RNA:

  1. Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries information about protein structure from DNA to ribosomes, where protein synthesis occurs.
  2. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) forms the structure of ribosomes and participates in the process of mRNA translation.
  3. Transport RNA (tRNA) delivers amino acids to ribosomes to assemble proteins according to the information written in mRNA.

Ribosomes are organelles involved in protein synthesis. They read mRNA and use tRNAs to bind amino acids into a sequence determined by the mRNA, thus creating proteins.

Types of protein

It can be obtained from a variety of sources, both plant and animal.

Animal products:

  • meat,
  • fish,
  • eggs,
  • dairy products.

For example, milk, cheese, yogurt are excellent sources of high quality protein containing all essential amino acids.

Plant foods:

  • Legumes (e.g., beans, lentils, peas),
  • nuts,
  • seeds,
  • cereals (e.g., quinoa, oats),
  • soy products (tofu, soy milk).

They may not contain all essential amino acids in one product, but combining different plant-based protein sources provides a full range of amino acids.

Protein supplements

In addition to protein in foods, there are supplements that athletes and fitness enthusiasts turn to most often. Their purpose is to replenish the daily allowance of protein. There are several types:

  1. Whey. The most popular protein on the market. It has a full amino acid composition, and also has a high degree of digestibility and minimal absorption time. In a short period of time, it enters the bloodstream and quickly energizes the muscles. Therefore, it is best to take it in the morning or after a workout.
  2. Egg. It is contained in chicken eggs and is considered a benchmark for digestibility by the body. It has an identical composition of amino acids to the composition of human muscles. However, such a product is not particularly popular due to taste preferences.
  3. Casein. The complete opposite of whey protein. Its absorption period is much higher, so it is best to take this type of protein before bedtime. The reason is simple – this is the period when the body is for a long time without nutrition. This kind is obtained by processing milk. By the way, a lot of it is contained in cottage cheese.
  4. Dairy. One of the most unpopular types, because it is strongly inferior in properties to whey and casein. It has an average digestion rate, but a good amino acid composition.
  5. Meat. There is a powdered version. It is good for those who do not like sweet things. It is present in large quantities in beef and chicken. This type is characterized by high cost and heavy digestibility. Professional athletes use it to supplement the main set of nutrients.

In addition to proteins of animal origin, there are proteins from vegetable raw materials. It is worth noting that they are not popular, because they have low biological value and are not very well digested. However, among them we can distinguish six of the most significant.

  1. Soy. Often used by vegetarians as the main source of protein. This type has good digestibility and has almost a full spectrum of amino acids, high BCAA content and low calories.
  2. Rice. Good for allergy sufferers and people who are contraindicated with gluten and lactose. Also in this form there are amino acids necessary for building muscle mass: potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  3. Pea. Its main advantage is the absence of cholesterol, phytoestrogens, lactose, saturated fat and GMOs. It also has no side effects, unlike legumes. Moreover its digestibility is 98%. However, it has a major disadvantage – a specific taste, which is not interrupted even by flavorings. Therefore, many people refuse it.
  4. Pumpkin. Protein is made from ground pumpkin seeds. They have a large amount of protein in the composition, namely 66%. They also contain 18 amino acids. Among them there are such rare ones as arginine, leucine, isoleucine and valine. They have a beneficial effect on the work of the brain and nervous system. The minus of this product is a brackish taste.
  5. Sunflower. It is characterized by a rich green color due to chlorogenic acid. It is important for transforming fat cells into a source of energy. This protein has a nutty taste and aroma. Therefore, it is often used as an additive in smoothies.
  6. Hemp. It is made from hemp seeds. It satiates well and also has a rich chemical composition. It is 21 amino acids and trace elements (zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium and potassium). It is sufficiently well digested by the body. The advantage of the product is its creamy texture and pleasant flavor.

Protein supplements can be effective when used in combination with proper diet and exercise. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor or nutritionist before starting their use.

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