Beach season: how to prepare for summer?

Summer is not in full swing yet, but many people have already planned their vacations. Someone will go to the sea, someone – to the mountains, someone will rest in the countryside, but everyone wants to get in perfect shape. Miracles do not happen, and in a matter of days, traditional ways to do it will not work. But you can resort to the possibilities of aesthetic medicine with its apparatus methods. Yana Khodnevich, a leading dermatovenerologist and cosmetologist at the European Medical Center (EMC), Candidate of Medical Sciences, tells about modern possibilities of figure correction.

Apparatus cosmetology is sometimes called “fitness for the lazy”. I would not say that. After all, it happens that a person is engaged in the gym, hard training, but would like to improve the result. It also happens that regular visits to the gym is not possible or can not pick the right load for themselves to achieve the ideal figure. Therefore, hardware cosmetology is a way out for everyone who is interested in the best result. Today there is a wide range of techniques. I will tell you about some of them.

Zerona figure correction

Zerona is liposuction and skin tightening without surgery. Someone will say that this is impossible, but doctors today are helped by the so-called “cold laser”. If during classical liposuction the specialist eliminates local fat deposits physically by extracting fatty tissue, then during the procedure on the Zerona device the following happens. The laser beam of low intensity (that’s why it is called cold) affects specifically on fat cells, adipocytes. The main goal of the procedure is to increase the permeability of the membranes of these cells, so that subsequently to them directed active enzymes and split the fat. The breakdown products – water, glycerol and fatty acids – enter the lymphatic channel and are removed from the body.

The benefits of the procedure are obvious:

  • the process is natural and does not harm the body;
  • the surrounding tissues, in addition to fat, in the process is not involved, the cells are not damaged;
  • the procedure is painless, without special preparation and does not require a recovery period;
  • Zerona device can be combined with any other aesthetic procedures.

And, most importantly – the result is visible after the first session.

One session lasts about 40 minutes, in total patients do 10-20 procedures. In total, you can lose up to 20 cm in volume.

At the same time, the skin is tightened during the treatment, which means that the loss of volume is not threatened by unnecessary folds and wrinkles. This device can be used to increase blood circulation, improve the sensitivity of nerve endings and improve tissue tone.


The second technique is EMSCULPT. This procedure is based on the principle of frequent and intensive muscle contraction, which increases the volume of muscle mass.

In normal conditions our abilities are limited, we physically cannot achieve such intensive work from the muscles as we can with the device. During one procedure, the muscles contract about 20 thousand times – this is not comparable to any training in the gym. Despite such a load, the method is safe, which is confirmed by numerous studies.

“Work” in this way you can work the muscles in the most problematic areas: on the abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs. Usually the procedure is performed for 30 minutes, after which you may feel a slight fatigue: after all, it is the work of muscles. Therefore, it is necessary to take a break of 2-3 days before the next visit.

EMSCULPT has a number of contraindications, including the presence of pacemakers and implants in the body.

Be sure to consult your doctor before the procedure.

Pressotherapy and wrapping

To correct the figure, you can use a complex effect: pressotherapy and wrapping. The combination of the two procedures saves the patient’s time and allows you to achieve a better result.

Pressotherapy is a lymphatic drainage massage on the Lympha-Tron apparatus. Since lymphatic vessels run throughout the body, the procedure can be done on specific areas, or it can be done on the whole body at once. It is perfectly complemented by a cold wrap, when cooling agents (gels and lotions) are applied to the body, which stimulates the outflow of lymph, increases skin elasticity and removes excess fluid. Cellulite also becomes less noticeable as a result of this treatment.

Do not chase the standards of models or fitness gurus. A taut silhouette, beautiful skin, muscle tone – also a lot. This is an indicator of your health and attentive attitude to yourself.

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