Can I exercise while wearing braces? Pros and cons

Progress does not stand still, and now we have access to modern methods of treatment and restoration of teeth. By contacting a trusted specialist, you can help yourself to correct your bite and even create a Hollywood smile. Dentistry can do a lot.

But, as in any business – the results are not instantaneous. It takes time and sometimes additional orthodontic structures, such as braces, to correct problems. Yes, they are uncomfortable and troublesome to use.

So far, dentists have not found a more effective way to correct the position of teeth, especially in complex cases. If you want to be healthy, be patient.

Braces also cause discomfort during physical activities. Sometimes the structures can cause injuries. Especially if you are engaged in power sports. You will not have to give up your activities – there is a way out of the situation.

Anna Avetisyan

Orthodontist at the PerfectSmile Center for Aesthetic Dentistry and Bone Regeneration

It is possible to wear a brace system when practicing active sports – running or strength training. There are no contraindications in the regulations. Boxing and other injury-prone sports are more complicated. In sparring there is a possibility of getting hit in the jaw, and then the system will be damaged or traumatize the oral cavity. Protection of teeth in this case will be provided by a plastic overlay – mouth guard.

Modern medicine allows you to choose a reliable and comfortable covering of braces, taking into account individual characteristics. The mouth guard will not interfere and is well fixed in the oral cavity. They are made of plastic materials that reduce the force of impact. This way, the pad can protect the bracket system and you from unwanted injuries in the mouth.

The mouthguards are better made in a dental clinic and should be changed every few months. Teeth are constantly moving during orthodontic treatment, and therefore, the onlays may need to be changed.

It is possible to damage the bracket system, not only by participating in sparring, but also by some excessive loads, when a person regularly additionally clenches the teeth. For example, in weightlifting, when athletes lift heavy weights. In this case, the pressure on the teeth goes more than in normal life.

What should I do if my braces break?

If a bracket system is damaged during sports – most likely it will be the brackets coming off or the arches breaking – you need to see your treating orthodontist. He or she will re-fix the braces in place and replace the arches with new ones.

If you are professionally engaged in sports, in which injury is possible, if possible, choose an alternative to braces – eliners. But removable structures are not suitable for everyone, although they are convenient to use. It is worth remembering this.

Complex cases with the use of surgery require only braces. Therefore, try to take care of your teeth during the installation of orthodontic construction and protect it with covers. Sports does not hinder your desire to straighten your teeth at all.

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Observations from the personal practice of trainers also prove that braces do not interfere with active exercise. They note pleasant changes after wearing the construction in the work of the joints.

 Olga Derendeeva

Fitness trainer of FitStars online home workout platform

With proper care and protection, a bracket system is a cool thing, especially if it is put by a good orthodontist based on recommendations with an osteopath. Because the correct bite and position of teeth and, accordingly, the correct movement of jaw and chewing muscles has a beneficial effect on the work of the whole organism. For a person who is engaged in sports, it is very important. For example, the temporomandibular joint affects the functioning of the hip joints.

We – the trainers – are sympathetic when a client wants to engage in bite correction and advise them not to quit sports. A person may notice some movement changes for the better after braces.

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