Saya ingin sosok seperti Kim Kardashian.

Saya ingin sosok seperti Kim Kardashian.

Maya Jamaika

Maya Jamaika

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian has revealed the secret to her stunning figure and revealed what goes into her daily workout routine.

97.5 million readers on Instagram, millions of followers worldwide. One of Hollywood’s most famous stars, Kim Kardashian, has revealed the secret to her stunning figure and revealed what goes into her daily workout routine.

How does Kardashian workout? Kim works out at intervals twice a day under the close supervision of her personal trainer Gunnar Peterson. According to Peterson himself, Kim, along with her brother Robert Kardashian, performs a whole set of exercises every day, both in the morning and in the evening.

The morning exercises that Kim does every day are cardio on the treadmill or interval cardio that alternates with exercise. This helps to keep her heart rate normal, while this set of exercises maximizes fat loss and has a positive effect on muscle tone.

Bedtime exercises from Kim Kardashian: ideally it’s Pilates or strength training. Kim’s usual evening workouts consist of lunges, squats, push-ups, inclines and abs exercises. In between these exercises, she jumps rope, dances or does her favorite exercise – jumping jack, to add interval training and put her body in active fat burning mode.

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